An introduction to a book?

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Hey, so, I don't exactly know what I'm supposed to put as an 'introduction', as I thought the title made it clear about what I'm doing, but I guess you guys need somewhere to ask questions or dare me to do stuff, so this chapter should be good for that. 

I should also probably set some rules, although there's not much point in that, as I'm sure those will be scrapped in some time anyway. 

Firstly, only pony-friendly dares. If my professors find out about this book, they would not  be pleased if I was replying to some creepy and weird comments. I'm not getting a detention for having a book! That's just stupid, and sounds like something Gallus would do *snickers*. Also, ponies are pretty much innocent, so let's not ruin that.

Second, no homewrecking. I mean this as in I'm not gonna go like, kiss someone else's special some-creature *eyeroll*. N-not that I want to kiss somecreature at all! Yuck. And also, I'm not letting this stupid book ruin my friendships. You get the point.

Thirdly, no getting mad at me if I'm too harsh. I don't really realise that I'm being rude until it already happens, it's not my fault I'm a dragon! Plus, you creatures are the ones commenting on this stupid thing, so it's not like you don't know what you're getting yourself into. 

You got that? Okay, enough with the rules. I can't have too many rules, or else there would be no point in this book. Now's the time where you guys ask or dare stuff. Let the challenges begin!

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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