The Introduction

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Marinette pov
    " marinette what are you doing, this place is in a mess what are you looking for in your closet" I could hear tikki questioning me " tikki, my cousin is going to be arriving soon and mom told me to look good before we go pick her from the train station. I said putting on my pink princess gown which was giving to me by my aunt " cousin? Wow that nice so how long is she going to be staying" tikki asked me with curiosity," I don't know maybe a day or two"I said
     " marinette it time to go " I could hear mamn calling from down stairs " coming ma , tikki enough chit chat we need to go" I said as I signalled tikki to get into my pause

    As soon as we got to the station, we waited for few hours before I could hear tikki asking me " how does she look like" how do you expect me to know tikki I haven't even seen her before now go back in" I said to her
   Few minutes later, we saw a girl come out of a train she had a blue brunette,blue eyes, peach coloured lips and dressed exactly like me. For a minute  there i thought she looks just like me

What in the what hell she looks exactly like me it was just like we were twins( this is me freaking out)
" Mann why does that girl look like me, and why is she waving at us" I said looking at my lookalike " well marinette that's your cousins let's go say hi" Mann said as she and dad went to hug her. As as they hugged her she said with a warm smile" oh uncle and aunty nice to finally meet you so , were is she the one that will be keeping my company all day " as soon as she asked,I knew she was talking about me " this is our only daughter marinette" my dad introduced " oh hello " she said giving me a tight hug " my name is Bridgette and it nice to finally meet you"

Sorry guys but dis is were I can stop pls don't forget to vote and comment thanks

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