Chapt7 - Girls2

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Me: okay before i find the second part of SE were going to react on some songs and the one whos going to pick right now is Pony!

As Pony trying to find something as she finds one

Pony: Senorita ft. Stella

Me: wait im gonna bring somone fast 

???: eeeh where am i... Stella??

Stella: hm? 

as everyone turn around and saw familiar red hair girl as Stella run toward her and hugged her as she hugged back.

Stella: Sis! your here 

Ayano: Stella! where are we?

Me: im gonna make it short, you are in my theater reacting to Izukus possible moments in life, future, maybe past lifes and mby alternate realities now sit where you want and chill.

Nezu: its nice to meet you Ms.Vermillion

Ayano: Same goes for me.

Mina: ehm.. whats going on?

Ayano: allow me to re-introduce myself, my name Ayano Vermillion and im new student of class-1a please take care of me.

Monoma: aaah great another lose- "Kendo chop" 

Kendo: i apologize about him. 

Ayano: its alright, dont worry about it.

Video Starts

Izuku - I

Stella - S

We see Izuku laying on couch and going through phone as we see stella coming to him

I: hey Stella

S: hey Izu, can i sit

I: yeah sure "as Izuku lift his head and Stella sits as Izuku kissed her and laid his head on her lap as Stella starts to play with his hair.

S: what are you doing?

I: buying Heels

Mina: Heels? why would he buy at heels.

Toru: perhaps gift for someone.

Stella/Ayano : you will understand.

S: why heels

I: well last time i had this great idea to try heels so i borrowed one pair from Ross(rossweisse).

S: wait you were trying heels, how come no one knows about it?

I: eeeh... i though you knew, probably everyone know by now.

S: so im the last one?

I: probably yes.

S: and did something happened

I: i kicked one idiot and broke them so im letting Ross choose some heels and meanwhile im trying to find some for myself that would be better. 

S: ok... i came here because i wanted to sing but that can wait, i need to see you in heels, so im gonna lend you some.

I: im okay with that.

Me: before anyone asks i changed it little.

everyone: ok

As we see Stella and Izuku in studio i

I: Ready?

S: Yes.

I: 3...2...1... Start

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