Chapter 4

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I could feel his gaze on me all the time. Watching me walk the halls to my classes, to the library, where I eat lunch, even walking home. He was everywhere. Unavoidable. I can't take it any longer.

I decided to walk to my next class early, already knowing where he would be. In front of his locker.
I marched up to him, a slight shake in my strides. His eyes locked with mine as I made my way over to him. In that moment I realised, I didn't have the slightest idea what to say to him.

I avert my gaze to his level, coming to a halt in front of him. His scent was intoxicating in the best possible way. I gather my words before they escape my mouth. "Can we talk?" His eyes are just as intense as before. Still staring into mine deeply.
"Sure." His voice is deep and raspy.

We start to walk, I don't know where, but we do. I'm in front leading, that changes when Brandon takes two swift steps in front of me taking the lead. I roll my eyes. Cocky bastard. He looks around, his eyes suddenly landing on a classroom.
Brandon turns the handle, taking my hand and pulling me in the classroom with him. I can't ignore the electricity I feel in my hand when he touches it. I don't let that stop me from pulling it away, whilst shooting him a dirty look. I'm petty ok.

Once we're inside, I notice it's the same classroom we were in last time. I sit in the exact same spot as the time before. The education posters on the walls surround us with slogans like "Education is power and power makes a person influential" and "The future of the world is in my classroom today". Give me a break.

I have no idea how to start this conversation, which is stupid, me being the one wanting to talk. Before I can say anything, Brandon speaks.
"Is everything ok Layla?" I look up at him confused. He's asking me if I'm ok? I thought he'd be annoyed I dragged him in here. I shake the thought from mind, keeping eye contact with him.
"No. No I'm not ok." I stand, planting my feet right in front of him. "I feel like I haven't had any of my life to myself recently." The confusion in his eyes is very much present. I take that as my sign to continue.
"Your eyes are constantly watching my every move. To my classes, at lunch, even when I'm walking home." I pause. He seems to understand a little more now. Sympathy flashes through his eyes as I say the next line. "I hate it." He shifts his feet, and sits on the teachers desk. His eyes now on the floor.

It's as if he wants to say something to me, but he can't get it out for some reason.
"That night," his deep voice breaks the silence between us, "I know you heard us. And you weren't supposed to." My eyes shift to the floor for a second.  I knew I should've minded my own business.
"They don't know it was you who heard it, but they'll find out. They always do." My heart sinks in my chest. I'm now only realising how bad this is for me.
"Can't you just tell them I didn't hear anything?" My voice goes up an octave.
"Don't you think I've tried?" He stands up from the desk. "Guilty people don't run as fast as you did that night Layla." He's right. I wish he wasn't but he is. I rub my hands over my face. Maybe it will erase everything that's happened this past week. Unfortunately it doesn't work. The room suddenly becomes very hot and I can't stand anymore. I pull a chair out and sit down on it.

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you alright?" His voice sounds protective. And for a moment it makes me feel safe. I glance up at him and shake my head.

"I don't need your protection Brandon." His eyebrows shot up.
"Did you listen to anything I just said?" He stands up and kneels down to my level.
"Yeah I did actually. And all I got from that conversation is to stay away from you and not draw attention to myself," I stand up and walk around him to the classroom door, "And to do that I can't be around you." The bell for first period rings and I step out of the classroom, Brandon's footsteps following close behind.
"Layla your making a huge mistake right now." I quicken my footsteps, trying to get away from him. "I can take care of myself." With that, I step into the girls bathroom to get away from him.

I stay in the bathroom for about 10 minutes, leaning against a sink, just to be sure he's gone. As I'm walking to class a tall, muscular body cuts me off. "Excuse me." I say trying to step around. But his body follows me.
"Not so fast princess." I feel my heart beat rise, my palms begin to sweat.
I look up only to be greeted with the stare of Jay Thompson.

A known member of the Southsiders. His curly black hair falls over his almost black eyes as he stares down on me. I tilt my head up a little more to meet his fierce gaze. As scared as I am right now, I'm not going to show it. That's the last thing I should do right now.
"I'm gonna be late. So if you could please move out of my wa-"
"That's brave of you to talk to a Southsider like that Layla." He cuts me off. "I know it was you that night," he continues. My eyes widen for a fraction of a second. My heartbeat quickens and sweat forms on my palms.
"I have no idea what your talking about." I don't avert my gaze anywhere, and I stand my ground.
"I know you know. Don't lie to me."

He corners me in front of a locker, his hands either side of my head. My breathing becomes heavy and I try so hard to not be scared but he's everywhere. His face comes closer to mine. I raise my leg ready to let him know I'm not scared but as I'm about to make the contact a loud voice directs my attention.

"Thompson," Jay looks over to see who it was. In the middle of the hall Theo James stands with his hands in his pockets. Brandon's best friend. His blue eyes staring daggers into Jay.
"Let her go," he says making his way towards us.

"And if I don't?" Jay smirks in my direction causing me to snarl. 
"Then you can answer to Brandon later." With that Jay stares at me one more time before removing his hands. He barges into Theo before his final statement towards me.
"This isn't over Stevens." I stand there, eyes still on Jay as he makes his way down the hall. Theo stands beside me waiting for Jay to disappear. Once he does he turns to me.
"Your ok Layla. Go to class." I glare at him for a second before going to my class. I feel his eyes on me the whole time I walk down the hall.

Maybe I will need Brandon's help after all.

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