Mustafa and uma 👑

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"Uma! Where are you" I gently spoke as I searched pride rock.

"Over here... Dear! Meet mufasa.."

My mate had just beared her first cub without the pride even helping she did it all on her own.
The pride would be energetic when they hear his name.
I run over to the young monkey.
"Rafiki the birth ceremony is tomorrow but my lioness still looks well... Big!"

"No don't worry Mustafa the young one won't be the heir!"

"Good because it looks like.. my father he was wicked and left the pride to my brother who's dearly departed."

"Honey-!" A lioness screeches

I ran over to see another. Another cub but it was lighter it had my eyes. "He will be mufasa."

"No the darker one is!"

"No I am your king! The darker one is taka we will tell him he's younger so mufasa is king." I spoke with a stern Tone as I walked away.


"How could he name you taka it means trash... But I'll name you.. SCAR!"

I Slowly cradled my youngest to sleep he deserved the world if not more. How could Mustafa be so.. well horrid.

"Uma, my queen"

"Yes... Outlander."

"Now now don't be so stern. It's just a mere pride issue. The cubs are fighting down here they need food. Be a dear and help!."

"Jacklo. You won't truck me. I know your kind too well. Filthy and horrified that pride lions will attack you."

"And manzoi. Don't attack my cubs or my mate. He's tired as it is."

"We will be back me and jacklo will reign high!"

"The pride will soon be yours with all of our land. Wherever the sun touches will be yours mufasa."

"All of it? Even the gorge?"

"Yes mufasa all of it every bit!"

He needs to learn. This is not the place for a cub he needs to learn dominance and fear if not power.
His brother taka though older will never be king as long as I'm around he doesn't and never will deserve it.


I cleaned my pelt our first born will be here soon.
Jacklo keeps hinting something. He's been around Uma too much. Ever since she gave birth to that cub that dark one. Taka (scar).


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