I'm with you

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Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia nor do I own the song that inspired me to write this.

Song: I'm with you by Avril Lavigne 

(im making Vlad talk to animals cuz as the author, I HAVE THE POOOOOWWWWEEEEEER!!! XD)


Dark clouds gathered at ten at night. You leaned on a wooden rail on the bridge in the forest. You lived in a tiny village called Carpathia. It consisted of only women and was located deep in the Black Forest of Romania. You sighed, as a cool wind blew your (h/c) hair, causing it to tickle your shoulders a little. Normally a 6 year old wouldn't be allowed in a forest alone, but your companion Luna, a befriended wolf, sat at your side, her head towering above you.

Thunder rumbled above you, as cold drops of rain began to fall. You looked up, closing your beautiful (e/c) eyes, letting the cool droplets land on your (s/c) face.

"Come on Luna. We should probably go home now," You began softly. Just as you turned around, the old bridge gave out under your feet, due to its old age. You gasped, unable to scream from shock, as you fell into the freezing river below.

Against the current, you came up from under the water, gasping for air. Your (e/c) eyes widened as you seen Luna jump over the hole and dash off.

'No! Luna! Please help me!' Your mind screamed as your lungs ached, trying to breath against the rough current of the river. The force dragged you under the cold water, as you tried to breathe, your lungs yelling at you. As you tumbled through the water, a sharp rock scraped your left arm, but the water was so cold, you didn't even realize it. Against the strength of the river, you were able to come up for much needed air.  

The once fast current began to slow a little, coming to a calm flow.  You were able to stay above the water, struggling, as you spotted a nearby river bank. You swam weakly towards it, crawling up on the cold, hard land. Spotting a large nearby bush, you crawled near it, climbing under the soaked leaves, in an attempt to shield yourself from the harsh rain. You curled up into a small ball, your gray dress tattered and soaking wet. 

Tears fell as you silently cried under the bush. It felt like you had been there forever, though really it had only been about 15 minutes. Suddenly, you heard a twig snap. Your eyes shot open and you looked through a tiny gap through the leaves to four white paws coming towards you, followed by......black boots...?

A large white wolf lowered as it sniffed the bush, tail wagging a bit. And then, another head lowered down. It belonged to a man, who looked young. He had strawberry blonde hair in thick, messy like locks. His eyes were a crimson shade. And a peculiar pointed tooth shown a little, appearing to shine in the moonlight. The man wore a white dress shirt with a black lace tied around the collar. A black cloak hung over his shoulders, with a hood that was laid down, whilst a small black hat sat on the side of his head, with a white and a red ribbon attached to it. He seemed...different. You had never seen this man in your life. Who was he?

"Are you alright little one?" He asked concerned. A thick Romanian accent covered his voice, making him sound cool and collected, yet, mysterious.

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