Chapter 1 : hidden secrets

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caution / warning / disclaimer.


Grab some popcorn, a drink. Pop your phone, tablet, tv, chrome book, computer, iPad, Apple Watch any kind of electronic device to watch.

I love you, and questions, or any concerns/ problems
Follow me.

Message me, contact, send me a message, any kind you prefer. And I'll answer shortly.

let the show begin, READ ", let's begin to begin the show".

Thank you,
For everything!! <3

@toiletsoulz :)


", why did you lie babe, I thought we can tell the truth, to well... us.

he adds on * sorry meant Madrin* not babe, this isn't us, this isn't you and this isn't going to me next.

i- wasn't planning or intentionally to lie. i would never lie to you, Jacek it's my fault I know.

we need a break- until, this is well " figured out"
bye, Madirn

don't leave me- * she falls to the ground, blood rushing down her curves, down to her feet

he shuts the door, and runs to his car. exiting the driveway to the house.

baby, are you ok.

yeah grandma-

i know everything is rough. you'll get through it, sometimes it's better to forget then forgive.. right?

yeah, I guess. I'm gonna go get some beer, be back.

why do you have to, well.. be, like that. Drinking, alcohol, and dr^9$ isn't good for your immune system, and the rest too!!

I know. I know, it's just addicting.

No it's not. You can change, she says standing up and waking towards her pulling her hair behind her ear, holding her hands..

be careful, alright ?

Her cold lips touch her face.

" I love you.

I do too, grandma.

now go on, before it's late,

she shuts the door, and runs out to the car.

Dragon crackers chicken nuggets crap, ugh!!'

dumb phone turn on she says hitting the console.

it finally turns on.

welcome Madrin Elsquatocvefeolepadertarelin, how May I help you today * she says slowly,

Take me to 114 Goose Lake Lane City Twannia 34593

you are on the fastest route, turn left to Amber Hachej lover boy street

she turns left, and sees a sign on the right side.

", be a w e i r d o, even though you don't like being weird. Outcome your fears. Your one hot babe",

- signed Hajani

* the car behind her beeps*

", come on all ready move!! The women yells, I have to go my husband is chewtijf on me with a co worker!!! Move up you dumb a$$"

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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