Chapter 1

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" I can't believe I had to be called to school because of your mischievous behaviour Emma , why are you like this , don't you ever get tired ? " I looked away , with my arms folded. " Emma Roberts , listen to your farther when he is talking to you. " I still looked out the window and chewed my bubble gum. Mom slapped it off my face. We were in the car , they had just picked me up from school after the principal finally decided to expel me after doing what I don't even remember. " Mom just leave me alone , why do you care ? You've never cared about me , you never had time for me. You think I'm to blame for the way I turned out ? Well let me tell you something mom , if you want someone to blame the take a good look in the mirror ! "  Dad turned to look at me and said ," You're not going to talk to your mother like that young girl , apologize this moment ! "  " Why , why should I apologize ? I did nothing wrong ... Dad watch out ! ". Tires screeching. That was the last time I saw my parents. My dad failed to regain control and he drove straight into a truck. I don't know how I survived. I remember sitting right there next to the car with blood all over my body , crying at the site of my now gone parents. I was only 10 by that time , and suddenly I became an orphan. I felt my breath slip away slowly and slowly then I saw the ambulance and then I shut my eyes.

I was awakened by the noise of machines beeping and ticking. I realized I was in the hospital. I got off my bed and looked for my parents and from a distance I saw the doctors struggling to bring them back , I had seen this before , it's what happened when grandma died. I saw the emotion on the doctor's face while he took the sheet and covered my parent's faces. I screamed my lungs out and ran inside to them. I tried to shake my mom awake. " Mom , mom  wake up ! Mom ! ".

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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