Albedo x reader

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The cold air hit your face, as you looked over the scenery of Dragonspine.
You were going to have your first date with the famous alchemist from Mondstadt, Albedo.

You guys have been friends for a while and slowly developed feelings for eachother, though Albedo didn't notice at first, not beign quite as experienced in the subject of feelings and emotions as others.
Finally knowing what this feeling inside him meant, with help of asking around and studying countless books, he decided it would be best to just be upfront about it with you.

Just yesterday, while the two of you were in his laboratory so he could conduct some experiments with you as his assistant, he suggested to take a break.
You both sat beside the fire, and out of nowhere, Albedo just casually explained his feelings for you and dropped the L-bomb.

So here you are, standing outside his lab, taking in the scenery, while waiting for him to get his things ready.
You two were going to have a nice art-date, painting at Windrise together.

You hear the sound of footsteps behind you. It was Albedo, making his way towards you with slow, steady steps.
Your heart skipped a beat and you felt your face slowly heating up.
'My first date...', you thought, the excitement in you building up as he got closer.
"Y/n, I have all the things we need packed up. Are you ready to go? Are you sure you're not too cold? I can always make a potion for you to keep you warm." Albedo offered, a soft smile gracing his features.
You shook your head: "No, I'm alright, but thank you. I have to admit, I am pretty nervous..." you said, as you directed your gaze towards the ground.
Albedo gave a smile. "That's to be expected. Neither of us have any experience in this, and quite frankly, I also am quite...excited about our date as well." Albedo reassured you, while he did sound kind of awkward saying this, it made you feel a bit more at ease. 'Albedo beign nervous?It feels a bit...out of character for him's cute' you thought to yourself, smiling.
Albedo continued: "Well, shall we go?" He asked, reaching out an arm to take yours and you took it. The two of you started walking hand in hand, making your way through the snow...


Arriving at Windrise, you both settled down, sat on the grass and took a small break from all that walking. You had your sketchbook open, and Albedo had his work spread out in front of him, looking busy with sketching something. After a minute or so, you noticed him staring at you with an amused look. Smiling back, feeling your face heat up again, you gave him a curious look: "What is it?" you asked.
He leaned closer towards you. "Nothing much, just admiring, you look beautiful."he admitted.
You couldn't help but laugh quietly, blushing a little: "You think so?" you asked, a hint of hope in your voice, as you looked up at him.
"Of course," he smiled.
"Would you mind if I sketched you?"
Once again, face heating up, you said you'd be honored to have him draw you.

"Alright then, let me start working on this..." he said, before taking his sketchbook and pencil in hand. He sat down next to you, and began drawing.
You watched his hands move across the pages carefully, and soon enough, he was done.
You stared at the drawing he'd given you, eyes widening slightly. In the picture, you had an expression you'd never seen on you before. It was a mix between surprise and adoration.
Looking away from the drawing, you looked into his eyes. They were looking straight at you. His face showed no trace of embarrassment, he looked like he was completely serious. He must've caught you staring, because he quickly looked away, trying to hide a blush.

"Wow, it looks really good!" you said, genuinely amazed.
"Thank you," he replied, his cheeks turning slightly redder.
A few minutes later, Albedo looked at his watch and sighed: "We should probably leave now, it's getting late."
Standing up, you put your sketchbook in your bag and got ready to leave

As you walked back to Mondstadt, you glanced sideways at Albedo. He looked so focused on what was happening around him, he didn't seem to realize how close you two were until you accidentally bumped shoulders with him.
"Sorry," you mumbled, blushing a little.
When you reached the city gates, Albedo bid farewell to you.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow." he said, giving you an awkward hug.
Sighing, you went home, thinking about what happened earlier today.
You were happy that your first date was going so well, despite the initial worries.
Albedo was very sweet, kind, and caring, despite his stoic and straight-forward manner. And you liked spending time with him.
And now, you had to wait patiently for the end of the day, to see him again.
You couldn't wait.
The first oneshot I've ever written, hope you liked it 😊

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