Venti x reader

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Venti, your best friend, was drunk again.
What a shocker.
So here you are, in Angel's Share, trying to pry him off the counter.
He was begging poor Diluc for more've never seen such a sorry sight in your life.

"PUH-LEASE DILUUUC!!! Just one more shot...T_T"

Diluc just shook his head at your friend. "That's it." he said with a heavy sigh. "You need to go home."
"Please, Diluuuu..!" Venti sobbed as he slumped against the counter.

You couldn't help but let out a short laugh as Diluc gave you a stare that said: 'Please end my suffering' and gestured towards the door with his hand.
"I will give him the bill tomorrow, please just...take him out."
"I'm so sorry..." you apologized to Diluc, while supporting Venti and helping him walk.

Just as you two got out of the tavern, Venti began whining, as usual...
"But I don't wannaa~ I'm not even that drunk, I'm a God y'knowww? God's don't get drunk...."
You rolled your eyes, letting him ramble away, mostly not understanding a single thing he was trying to say...

You decided to take him into your teapot.
Throwing him on a bed, you went to grab some water to try to sober him up a bit.
After all, you cared about him, no matter how much trouble he gets himself into.
But when you came back with the water, Venti had already passed out.
You sighed, taking a seat beside the sleeping bard, observing his face...
he looked beautiful, even like this, you thought, smiling softly. You leaned forward and placed a soft kiss upon his forehead, before standing up and going back to your bedroom.
"Goodnight Venti, sleep well, I love you..."


Wait, what?

You turned around, only to see Venti staring at you with a smug expression on his face.
He wasn't asleep.
You felt your face heat up, as you were struggling to form a sentence.
The only thing that came from your mouth was a quiet, stuttering version of his name.

As soon as the words left your lips, Venti began laughing...and then he started giggling uncontrollably.
And as if that wasn't bad enough, he was now laughing his ass off.
It took everything in you not to throw your hands up to cover your blushing face.
He had heard your confession.
And now he's laughing at you.
Can it get any worse?

Venti stopped abruptly, looking up at you with those big puppy dog eyes.
"Ohhhh, my little Windblume~"
"To finally hear you say those words to me..."
"I've known for a while now, actually."
You couldn't believe it.
He knew about your crush on him the whole time?
He stepped closer to you.
"My you know how long I have been waiting for you to confess?"
"W...what do you mean?"
Your voice wavered.

"You're too adorable for words, my dear little flower~"
Your face reddened even further.
"...Venti..." you whispered.
He moved even closer, until your noses touched. He leaned in slowly...
Until suddenly he stopped.

His brows furrowed slightly, as he stared intensely at you...
And then burst out laughing.
"Venti...w-what are you laughing at?!"
He continued laughing.
"Nothing, nothing at all~"
he replied, grinning widely.
He was enjoying every second of this.
"Why are you laughing?" you asked again, still trying to keep your temper under control.

"Ahahaha! My cute Windblume~ Did you still not catch on?"
he asked, still laughing.
"Get over yourself Venti, what are you talking about?"
"I like you too, you dummy~"
he confessed.
You stood there speechless.
Did you hear correctly?
You took a step backwards, shocked by this new revelation.
"...what did you say?"
"I like you too, my cute Windblume~" he repeated, smiling wider than ever.

Now you were confused.
"...but why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"Where would be the fun in that? Seeing you struggle to confess was so entertaining, ehe~"
You sighed in frustration.
This guy could be so infuriating...
"So, will you be mine, Windblume?"
you asked in response, looking directly at him.
He chuckled, before wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you into a gentle hug.You hugged him back, resting your head on his chest.

Venti laughed as he pulled away.
He put both hands behind his back, and gave you a sheepish look.
"Now, about the drinks...I don't have any mora, so if you could pay for the bill tomorrow that'd be GREAT! Ok? Love you Windblume, byeee~~"

And with that, he was gone....


I love this little gremlin 🙃

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