I Encounter the Freaks for the First Time

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Chapter- 1

I encounter the freaks for the first time.

The first time I saw her, half of my leg had started to vanish.

That day had started out as normal as any, I had woken up, washed my face and put on my school's uniform. After smoothing the wrinkles from my cardigan I had gone downstairs to an empty dining room where I had opened the stark white fridge and pushed aside all of the precooked meals that my nanny Mia had prepared for this week. The Mercedes wasn't in the drive way which meant I was alone in the house and with a sigh I pulled a carton of milk from the fridge and hoisted myself onto the counter, drinking from it moodily as my eyes scanned the place I called home. With its marble floors and gleaming light fixtures it looked like a place built for a king, even though most times I was the only person there.

I paused the milk carton at my lips when my hand started to tingle for the first time, I frowned and put the carton down and held my hand in front of my eyes nervously scanning over my pale skin trying to see what the cause of the discomfort was. Blinking I rubbed my eyes when my eyesight started to blur out and shoved my hand into my pocked trying to cover the itchy feeling as I got up quickly and leaving the milk on the counter I picked up my school bag quickly and left the house, not bothering to lock the door behind me. It's not like we couldn't afford to pay for anything that was stolen. Some sick part of me actually hoped we were robbed, I would have loved to see the looks on my parents face as everything that they had worked for had been taken away from them. They worked so hard for the pretty objects and fancy titles but once they got them they never did anything with them, just set them aside to show off and tried to collect more. It made me sick to my stomach.

A bitter taste in the back of my mouth I coughed in disgust and went to trying to straighten my tie, it was harder than it should have been, my head felt all cloudy and my eyesight was blurred as I walked forward. Maybe the medication the doctor had been giving me for the migraines was messing up with me. I would stop by the clinic after school and get a checkup; my parents would be displeased if I got sick and spoiled out perfect image.

These cruel thoughts were in my mind as my legs suddenly gave out from under me, I cried out in shock as I tumbled forward a sharp pain in my leg as I turned roughly clutching as where my uniform's trousers had ripped allowing gravel and blood to decorate my calf. Sitting up gingerly I tried to shake my legs off to make them stop tingling as I used my sleeve to try and wipe the blood off. Tears of pain stung my eyes and I swore under my breath as I got blood on the sleeve of my white blazer. Growling I wiped away the last of the blood and paused for a minute my eyes glued on my leg in shock my mouth dropping open as I looked at the blood stained sidewalk that I could see right in-between where my knee was located and my blood calf, a slow scream started in the back of my throat as I looked at the large gap in my leg in horror. There was no torn skin there, no blood or gore or broken bone but that portion of my leg was nowhere to be seen. My throat closing in terror I squeezed my eyes shut trying to blink away tears of fright my legs aching with a tingling burning sensation that disappeared as I snapped my eyes back open and hesitantly looked back at my leg.

Where I saw nothing but my scraped up leg and torn pant leg. My heart going at a mile a minute I laughed shakily feeling like I was going insane, this was the doctor's fault, he was trying to make me insane with those damn meds he was putting me on! He was making me feel loopy!

Anger suddenly flowing through me I got up quickly, ignoring the pain in my leg as I left my bag where it was thrown on the pavement and fury flowing through my veins I started charging down the street determined to make it to that cursed clinic and expose my doctor for the fraud he was. He had claimed these pills would take away my anxiety, my light headiness, but no all it was doing was giving me visions and making me lose my mind, it was the only explanation.

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