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"Are you ready to see him one last time?"

"I-I still don't know what you mean..."

"Just... give me your hand, Felix."

He held his hand out to me and I took it but he suddenly started changing.

His hand turned a light purple, and the color appeared all over his skin to where you couldn't see the white anymore. I let my gaze wander up to his face and I gasped. On the side of his neck and face was a tattoo, almost like a bunch of paisleys, the tattoo was different shades of blue. The skin on his face was also purple, his ears became pointed, his eyes turned a glowing red, his hair stayed the same, and he... he had horns. Like a ram. Except they were dark purple. They started near his hairline then curled and looped back. The tip of one was silver and the tip of the other was gold. Hanging on each horn, were different kinds of dangling jewelry kind of like his earrings.


He smirked at me, "Impressed?"

"W-what happened?"

"I'll explain later. Do you want to see Mattie now?"

I nodded.

"Before I take you to him I need you to know that this is a one-time thing, just to say goodbye. Okay?"

"I understand... well I don't. I'm kind of really confused but I get the one-time thing part."

He nodded, "This is gonna feel weird and it will be scary for you where we're going. But I won't let anything happen to you."

I nodded, still very confused.

A second later my whole body felt strange. And my vision went blurry. It felt like everything around me was spinning very fast.

Finally, everything slowly stopped spinning. But we were no longer in my living room. We were now in what seemed like a huge underground cave. The walls, ceiling, and ground were all made of a deep red stone and there was fire everywhere. It was hot and we were standing in flames but not getting burnt. It was strange. But there were a bunch of scary-looking creatures all around. Big red monsters walking among the flames, all with big muscles and horns like King's. King was big but most of the other creatures were almost twice as big as he was. Some were the same size and various colors. Red, blue, purple, orange. Among the creatures, there were normal-looking people. Mostly. They all looked very scary too, but in a different way than the creatures. King's hand was still in mine and I was squeezing it, now standing very close to him.

"W-where are we, King?"


My eyes widened as I looked up at him and he looked back at me seriously. All of it was strange but I still couldn't believe we were in hell. Both of us were alive. And I hadn't done anything bad enough to go to hell. And if we were there to see Mattie, why would he be in hell? I was so confused. And scared.

"Come on," he said, starting to walk.

I walked right next to him, making sure to not make eye contact with anyone we passed.

"Do you know what you're going to say when you see him?"

I shook my head, "No... all of this feels like a bad dream. It doesn't feel real. My brain can't comprehend it, King."

He nodded, "I know. You'll see Mattie and get to say goodbye and then I'll bring you home."

I was walking with my eyes on the ground, letting King lead me. When I heard something. I heard a voice I never thought I'd hear again.


I looked up and saw Mattie straight ahead of us. He was looking at me with wide eyes.

I looked at King and he nodded.

I couldn't hold myself back anymore. I ran the short distance to Mattie and hugged him as tightly as I could and started crying so hard.

"I miss you so much, Mattie! I can't live without you, I can't! You have to come back!"

He hugged me back just as tightly, "I'm sorry Felix, I didn't mean to leave you. I miss you too."

He kept hugging me but he spoke to King, "I thought you were going to look after him. How is he here, King?"

"I'm letting him say goodbye. You both need the closure."

"Thank you."

I pulled away and looked into Mattie's eyes, "Are you okay? Are you in any pain?"

He smiled at me and shook his head, "I'm okay. I don't hurt anymore. How are you? I'm so sorry I left you alone."

Tears kept falling from my eyes but I wasn't sobbing anymore, "I'm okay. It wasn't your fault, don't be sorry! It's been hard but I am still alive. King saved me when I was feeling really down."

Mattie tried to wipe away my tears but they kept coming, "I'm so proud of you, Felix. You're my best friend and you're strong. I know you will be okay."

I nodded, not able to take my eyes away from him. That would be the last time I saw him. The real him. Not just photos.

I sniffed and wiped the tears away from my face, "Why are you here? The bad things people have been telling me aren't true... are they?"

He smiled sadly at me, "I'm sorry Felix. I did some bad things before our friendship and at the beginning of it. I tried to be a better person after I met you. But I guess I did too much bad to make it to heaven. I'm alright though, it's not bad here. I promise."

I nodded, "It's okay. Everyone makes mistakes. You're still my best friend. I'm going to miss you so freaking much but I'll be okay."

He smiled and pulled me in for another tight hug, "I don't want you to but you should probably go. You don't belong down here."

I nodded, "I know..."

We pulled away and he smiled widely at me, "I'm so glad I could see you one more time."

"Me too."

He sighed, "Goodbye, Felix. Remember, stay strong. I will always be inside your heart, and you will always be inside mine."

I nodded, "Goodbye Mattie."

We finally pulled away from each other and I went to King and held his hand.

Mattie smiled at King, "Thank you for helping him. I really appreciate it."

King nodded.

I saw Mattie's smile for the last time before everything spun again and I was in my living room.

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