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"Wait, so does that mean we are official?"  Wilbur blushed "I mean I think?" it fell silent for a while neither of them knew what to do or what to say the silence was then ruined "soooo shall we order pizza?" Alex said "sure sounds good"  Alex called the pizza place and ordered two pizzas. After we ate some pizza Wilbur and I watched a movie on the couch I cuddled up to him laying on his stomach hugging him slightly Wilbur would give Alex kisses on the head from time to time, Alex soon fell asleep and so did Wilbur they laid there cuddling.

Alex woke up first, he got off of Wilbur and went to the kitchen and looked at the time "4 am" he wiped his eyes still tired he got himself some water. Alex didn't want to wake up Wilbur so he got a blanket and put it over him tucking him in went to his room got dressed, brushed his hair, brushed his teeth, and last put back on his beanie checking no Wilbur who was now awake looking at his phone "did you get good rest?" Wilbur nodded "I did" I went up to him kissing him on the cheek "that's good what's the plan for today?" I said to him sitting down on the couch next to him "well I'm going to quickly go home and get clothes" he says standing up and stretching "alright can I go with you?"  Wilbur nodded in agreement "yeah get in my car" we head down to Wilbur's car and get in, we start driving it wasn't a long car ride but it felt like forever until we finally arrived "all right we are here" Wilbur parks the car and we go to the door and we open it. The house looked nice and clean "is no one home?" I ask Wilbur "I guess so" that's what we thought until we heard yelling from a room somewhere "nevermind Tommy is home" Alex didn't know who Tommy was but just went with it "Tommy!" Wilbur yelled steps could be heard and there was a boy who seemed to be in middle school "Tommy this is my friend, Alex" I give a small nervous wave "well I'm Tommy the biggest man ever" Tommy said with a lot of confidence "I just came to get some new clothes is dad home?" Tommy shook his head no "he left not too long ago"  "alright can you keep Alex company while I go get some clothes" Tommy agreed and they both sat down on the couch, Wilbur leaves to the bedroom to get new clothes "sooo are you and my brother together you must be very unlucky, who would want to date him he's weird" Tommy would continue to mindlessly ramble about different things Alex somewhere just zoned out trying to drown out Tommy's annoying talking. A while later, Wilbur came back in clean clothes Tommy finally shut up and left back to his room "I say we go back to your house"

Cliff hanger mf
Totally did not run out of motivation :D

my tutor? (quackbur high school AU)Where stories live. Discover now