A Heartstopper

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Kara's POV

I've been going out with Lena Luthor since I was 20. She like chess, and reading books. Animals, especially cats, Sherlock Holmes, the sound leaves make when you step on them, rain, drawing on my shoes, Ireland, and coffee shops. She also loves me. Her hair is a dark brown, and her eyes are two different shades, and she's one inch shorter than me, if you care about that sorta thing. I think she's pretty hot, but that might just be my opinion. We started going out my sophomore year of college...


"We should start a band."

"Absolutely not." Nia shoots down the idea almost instantly as we lounge around the quad.

"Why not?" I sit up slightly from where I was laying in the grass.

"The only one of us that actually has musical talent is you and Winn." She deadpans.

"That's not true! Brainy can tap a pen on their desk to make a beat. Boom! Drummer." I say very matter of fact.

"No cause Kara has a point." Winn speaks up, "I could sing, Kara could play the guitar, Brainy on drums, and you can play er... bass?"

"I stand by my point. Plus we'd still need someone on keyboard."

"So you're saying if we can find someone who can play the piano...?" Brainy trails off slightly.

"We're not starting a band!"

We all burst into laughter as Nia sticks her tongue out at us, "I will throw one of Brianys textbooks at all of you!"

"Um, I'm terribly sorry to interrupt, but uh I can't seem to find my dorm room. Could you point me in the direction of the science department?" An unfamiliar voice laced with an accent asks stopping Nia from reaching for one of their books.

We all turn to see the source and see a, in my opinion, goddess. She has long black, no deep brown, hair going to about her waist. One of her eyes were blue, while the other was green. It felt like my heart practically stopped. Needless to say she was gorgeous, but more importantly lost.

"Oh for sure!" I was the first to speak up, "Science department you said?" She nods her head as I hop to my feet. She was about an inch shorter than me, "So if you walk in that direction then take the first left, you can just go straight from there and eventually you'll see a large building with an S on it."

She nods again looking in the direction I had pointed, "Thank you so much. And I'm sorry again about interrupting."

"Don't worry about it." I dismiss, "Um if you don't mind me asking, where's your accent from?"

"Oh! I lived in Ireland when I was younger and I never managed to get the accent to go away fully." She sheepishly rubs the back of her neck, "Im sure the boarding school I was sent to didn't help considering they had an excellent Irish program I couldn't reset."

"That's so cool!" Nia perks up, "Are you fluent then?"

"Pretty much. Not sure how much good it will do me though. I've yet to meet anyone other than my former classmates that can speak it." She laughs semi awkwardly.

"Brainy knows a little!" Winn adds into the conversation, "They can speak like a ton of languages."

"Dia dhuit (hello)." Brainy says with a slight wave.

"Dia duit, tá sé go deas bualadh leat (hello, it's nice to meet you)." The girl smiles back.

"An féidir liom d'ainm a iarraidh? Tá mé cinnte gur mhaith linn go léir a fháil amach (may I ask your name? I'm sure we'd all like to know)."

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