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Eventually we needed food, so as the independent woman I am, I got up early on Saturday and got ready to go grocery shopping. I got dressed into a pair of black jeans and a hoodie, most importantly I got Anna dress in the cutest winter dress with some white legging and added the perfect fluffy beanie

"Ready?" I asked offering my hand for her

"Yes!" She laughed taking my hand

The closest market was a few streets down so walking wouldn't be more than a mile. Anna would stumble every now and then as she's learning to fully walk properly. I've always been scared of how fragile Anna is, she's a healthy and happy toddler, but during my pregnancy I had a lot of health problems and that made me scared that it had affected Anna, even though the doctors said she was perfectly fine. I'm overprotective over her, or maybe i'm just fucking scare she can get hurt

Finally we got to Walmart

I looked at my bank account seeing how much money I could spend, spoiler it wasn't much  

I grabbed a basket still holding Anna's hand. I cringed looking at the prices, how is anyone suppose to buy fresh fruit if it's so fucking expensive

"Mommy look!" She pointed at a Spiderman suit "look" she then pointed at a frozen costume

Yeah look away honey we can't afford that

I got ourselves some groceries while Anna was wide-eyed looking around. I was slowly filling the basket with only food we actually needed, it consisted of simple food so we wouldn't starve to death

I left Anna tucking my jeans, I looked down I saw those big puppy eyes "pleasws?" She was holding a little chocolate bar

"No Anna" i said sternly

That was when hell broke loose, one second she was up but the next she was down on the floor crying and sobbing uncontrollably. She was having one of those tantrums people would turn to look at. She was kicking and screaming while crying bloody murder. To be honest I wasn't in the mood so I just picked her up and threw her over my shoulder 

An old woman turn to look at me disapprovingly

"Oh fuck off" I flipped her off 

I got to the cashier with a still crying Anna

The cashier smiled at me "first child?" She asked

I smiled in relieve "yeah" young woman usually understood me and the position i am in

"Don't worry it gets better" she assured me and started scanning my stuff  "my son used to scream for hours because he couldn't eat applesauce, he's allergic to apples but god knows why he had an obsession with them"

"This" I pointed at Anna "is nothing compare to others"

She chuckled "your totally would come to 95.61"

My smile faded as I took my card. It was freaking expensive for the simple foods we got

"Bye thank you" i called out after finishing paying

I had saved a lot of money during high school, to be honest I never worked but had other ways of getting money which did not include me naked. Even with all the money I saved there is no way I could afford rent for more than year, so eventually I would have to get a job or something, but that is solve as I am now the teachers assistant

"Anna if you cant like a big girl I won't treat you like one, you are going to be two in a few months and two year old girls don't have the tantrums you just had" I wiped her tears gently "I know you really wanted that chocolate but mommy said no and that's final, your feeling are important to me, okay?"

She nodded slowly sniffling a little

"Let's go back home sweetheart" I took her hand again and we started walking back 

She pointed at every red car that passed


My phone was beeping uncontrollably

I rushed to it as Anna was napping and she was already cranky. It took a slight sight at the name tag to know who it was, I put it on silent and walked away. I was also napping beside Anna so i went back to cuddle beside her

Someone knocked on the door and I was back up again

"Alex?" I frowned rubbing my eyes

"Hi" he rubbed the back of his neck "sorry if I'm bothering you I just wanted to ask you something"

"Oh" I didn't know what to say

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out for coffee or something?" He asked, my eyes widened "I mean if you want you-."

"Yeah i would really like that" i said before he went bubbling shit "but you know I don't have no one to look after Anna so-."

He interrupted me "she would come, of course"

I smiled "alright"

"Good" he smiled "keep napping"

I closed the door holding back a squeal

I don't know how to feel about it

The last guy who ever I went on a date with was Anna's father, of course that didn't end well but that's another story. Alex seems like a really nice guy and he doesn't care I am a single mom, at the same time I don't know how to act around males in general, I mean my father was an absent bastard and siblings aren't my thing. Gosh! I don't even have clothes to wear

I'm sounding like a stupid teenager

I never had teenager years, I got pregnant at sixteen and my life went into a downfall after that. My family cut me off and literally eliminated me from their life's as if I never existed. It fucking broke when I caught up to the fact I was freaking alone from now on, I was sixteen and still a kid who didn't know what to do, I needed my mum to hold me while i cried, I needed my father to confront the asshole of a baby daddy I got impregnated by. I'm not catholic or anything like that, but for the first time in my life I prayed to whatever god is above to please make my family love me again so I could have them back. Spoiler alert, that never happen and I stayed all alone crying myself to sleep every night, they left me without looking back

I'm totally over them now


"Hi my love" I whispered as she stirred awake

She hummed looking around

"I love you"

She's all the family I need

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