Chapter Seven

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Rescue Mission

(A/N: TW: Guns mentioned)

A part of him wondered and hoped that perhaps the cop had left, to join the other at the entrance, and that Foxy and Niki could escape together. They could go back down to the dump where no one would think of checking and they'd be safe.
But it didn't go like that.
The cop looked up sharply as the door opened, whipping his gun out in a flash and aiming it at Foxy with a startled glare.

"Sweet Mother-!" He exclaimed, side stepping to stand in front of Foxy, while still keeping the gun trained on him. Truthfully, Foxy wasn't at all concerned about the gun. He knew that even if he fired, the bullet would just bounce off his plating. Still, there was the chance that it could manage to jam one of his important mechanics, so he would avoid being shot if possible.
"You stay right there and don't move!" The cop said, and Foxy obliged.
"Hands where I can see them!"

Foxy slowly raised his paw and hook, noticing the cop's wary expression when he saw the hook, but he still kept up the authoritative attitude.
"Where's the girl?" The cop demanded.

"She ran off," Foxy said steadily. "No idea where, she be a quick one."
The cop narrowed his eyes suspiciously.
"Why were you with her before? And what happened to her?"
Foxy was quick to come up with a response.
"I'd been comin' up to see the place again when she set off the alarms. I think she thought I would protect her."
The cop nodded slowly.

"Right. And you didn't?"
Foxy shook his head carefully. "Nah. Not when the guard came 'round. I wasn't 'bout to look after some lost lil' youngin!"
The cop glared at him for a long time. "Are you sure you didn't hurt her?" He asked steadily, and Foxy shook his head vigorously.

"I would never 'arm a child!" He said. "It ain't in me programming."
This made the cop scowl, tightening his grip on his gun. "That kid you attacked wouldn't be so sure of that." He said with slight anger in his tone.
"I wasn't meself at the time," Foxy explained, although he doubted the cop would believe him. "I wasn't in control."

The cop gave a sarcastic grin. "Oh, no, of course you weren't. Likely story from one of you Fazbear freaks."
Footsteps echoed down the tunnel, and the cop sent a quick glance back as the second one from before came back, followed by three more cops and a few men in bullet-proof armour and holding shotguns.
"Good gracious, Hank, I leave you for ten minutes and come back to you facing off a murderous animatronic fox. What happened?"

The men with shotguns were quick to point them at Foxy, who remained still, paw and hook still raised in a gesture of surrender.
"The fox claims the kid ran off. He's the only one in there, so I guess it's true." Hank said, and the second cop nodded. "The guard showed me where their parts and service place is, they'll probably want it there." He looked up at Foxy with narrowed eyes.

"You're coming with us, got it? And don't think that hook is a good weapon. These guns will turn your casing to nothing when fired at once."
Foxy gave a nod of understanding, although of course he'd never planned on hurting any of the cops. Even if he could, it went against his every moral, and certainly wouldn't do him any good in this situation when they already saw him as a dangerous animatronic.

The entire group made their way through the tunnels until reaching Parts and Service, where the night guard was already waiting. Foxy recognized Roxy and the animatronic known as Freddy were there too. Seeing Freddy sent brief flashes of memories through Foxy's mind, memories of a different time... And different form.

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