Its you...

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3rd pov

The sounds of children playing on the park surrounded the area.

"Your turn Himawari!" A little girl shouted.

"Okay! Watch this!" A little girl with short hair smiled as she looked up at the wall.

"Go Himawari!" Oher kids shouted.

Himawari concentrated as she used her chakra to walk up the playground wall. Suddenly a gust of wind made the little girl drop.

"Yikes! Huh? BIG BROTHER!" Himawari smiled.

"Yo! I'm back!" Boruto smiled as he helped his sister up. Himawari jumped up and hugged her older brother tight.

"Are you coming home with me today?" Himawari asked.

"Sure! But let's see what mom says when we get there..." Boruto patted the young girls head. They both left hand in hand back home.

Himawari looked at the yellow and pink skies. She breathed in and smiled. She then looked at a family who walked passed them. Boruto saw that Himawari was frowning.

"Oi...what did we talk about?" Boruto asked.

"That mom and dad love us no matter what!" Himawari answered. Boruto then stopped in front of her and sighed.

"Exactly...just because I live with dad and you live with mom....doesn't mean they love us less! You got that?" Boruto looked at his sister.

"Yes! Besides Kiba-san is funny! I love him and daddy and mommy!" Himawari cheered up. Boruto softly smiled as they both continued back.

Himawari's house

"Boruto!" Hinata smiled as she ran up and hugged her son. Boruto smiled as he hugged his mother back.

"Have you come to stay for dinner?" Hinata asked.

"Ehhh...what the heck sure! I'll have to leave right after though!"

Hinata nodded as she brought Himawari inside. Boruto furrowed his eyebrows and looked to his left to see a girl with black raven hair and eyes.

"If it isn't my other sister...Sarada." Boruto smirked at the emotionless girl.

"Father said to come home...dinner is ready." Sarada stated.

" thanks...tell him I'm eating at my moms tonight. And tell Kawaki not to mess around with my new tool set!" Boruto waved the girl away. Sarada only nodded as she made her way back home.

Uzumaki house

Dinner was quiet between the three. Naruto ate vigorously while Kawaki and Sarada ate slowly.

"So Sarada how was your day? Did you like the mission I assigned you?" Naruto asked with a smile.

"It was awsome dad! Me and Mitsuki went south while Kawaki and Konohamaru-sensei went West! Meanwhile stupid Boruto went around every town instead of helping....what a moron." Sarada explained.

"So he abandoned mission....I'll have to have a small word with that would you like to help me in the office tomorrow?" Naruto asked.

"It...would be an honor sir!" Kawaki bowed his head.

"What! Hey no fair!" Sarada pouted.

"Don't worry Sarada...I have an amazing mission planned for you guys!" Naruto smiled.

"Just because we are your kids doesn't mean we can have privileges!" Sarada explained.

"Who said it was going to be easy?" Naruto laughed.

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