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Challenge No.63 - Imposter Syndrome.

Is this character the person who they say they are?


Twelve-year-old Roxanne faced the existential question of her young life. When is someone you know, no longer the person that you know? What makes a person the person you know?

Mr Vitalis was the High School science teacher. He'd returned recently from extended sick leave and Roxanne began to notice 'things', so she took her concerns to the highest court in the land: the school lunch table that she shared with her friends.

"I'm telling you! Since Mr Vitalis is back, things not right!" Roxanne insisted.

"How?" Demanded Felix.

"His voice sounds different."

"But he had COVID! The poor man's throat must still hurt from all that coughing and heavy breathing." Velma reminded her.

"He walks different."

"You doh notice that he still struggling to breathe right? So he stops now and then, to catch his breath. So what?" Cosmos pointed out.

Roxanne was making no progress. So, she let the matter drop... for now. Pending further investigations.

One week later she was back.

"Saw him cutting up an animal."

"But he's the science teacher!" Felix wailed.

"Roxanne! Behave!" Velma warned.

"What if he's a soucouyant?" Roxanne challenged.

"You see Mr Vitalis flying around the place at night?" Cosmos demanded.


"You see a skin drying in the morning sun?" He asked.

"Yes!" Roxanne pounced. "A Tigerskin!"

"Roxanne. You really see a skin in the morning sun by Mr Vitalis' house?" Cosmos did not believe it.

"Yes, I tell you! I telling you since Mr Vitalis got sick and came back, he's not the same!"

"Just now you'll say an alien switch with him." Felix laughed so hard he started to cough.

"And why not!" Roxanne retorted.

"Roxanne!" Velma wailed.

"Tomorrow is Saturday. Come meet me and I'll show you." Roxanne challenged.

"Alright then." Felix accepted.

"What time?" Cosmos asked.

"Come for six in the evening."

"Right!" Cosmos confirmed.

And so it was, the four friends met as agreed at Roxanne's house and she led them along the route to the teacher's home.

They crept into the front yard, "See?" Roxanne showed them the tiger skin draped over the balcony wall.

The three had to admit that it was a tad strange. There were no tigers in Saint Lucia or even the Caribbean. And why was it so wet that it had to be in the sun to get dry?

"What's that smell?" Velma sniffed the air.

"Ugh!" Felix gagged.

"It's from the back," Cosmos said.

"He's making something." Roxanne moved forward and with her, they made their way past the side towards the back of the house. There they watched as the teacher mixed a brew.

"What'd you think?" Felix asked.

"He's the science teacher," Cosmos said.

"Probably making a ficcion to feel better. That COVID-19 eh easy." Velma reminded them.

"Or a potion to stay human." Roxanne ventured.

"He's gone." Felix noticed.

They scattered in four different directions when Mr Vitalis appeared with no warning and said...


© May 2022


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