The Queen

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Grosvenor Square. The sixth of April, 1813. A frenzied sight outside the Bridgerton and Featherington homes on this most momentous of occasions. For today is the day London's marriage-minded misses shall be presented to Her Majesty the Queen. A much anticipated day, when dreams shall finally be achieved. Hopes, fully realized...And courses of lives changed. For the better. One hopes.

- Lady Whistledown

The Featherington Manor, normally echoing with the chatter of ladies' maids and the laughter of daughters, was unusually hushed in the early hours of the morning. Soft murmurs of scolding and the occasional whimper drifted through the air, the Featherington daughters being primped and preened for their grand debut. Lady Featherington bustled about, orchestrating the chaos, almost forgetting about her youngest, Persephone. Almost being the key word here, for there was a sudden screech that tore through the mansion, a testament to Persephone's untimely awakening. Moments later, she practically flew out of bed, determination etched across her face, ready to conquer the day on her own terms.

With a grace that belied her haste, Persephone was helped into her gown by her diligent handmaidens, Rose and Bethany. Standing before her reflection, Persephone couldn't help but admire her regal appearance. "I do look quite splendid, don't I?" she remarked confidently, earning a light giggle from her handmaidens. The trio was in the midst of their preparations when Lady Featherington entered, her tone unusually gentle as she inquired, "Darling, did you wake up?"

"I arose from my slumber thirty to forty minutes ago, Mother," Persephone replied, noting the subtle disappointment that flickered across her mother's face. It remained unspoken but lingered in the air. As her handmaidens completed the finishing touches to her hair, Persephone casually inquired, "Mother, which carriage shall we be taking today?" She hoped for a specific answer, a glimmer of anticipation in her eyes, but alas, fate was not on her side.

"We shall be taking the red carriage, my dear. It is our family color, after all," her mother replied, the unyielding statement met with Persephone's internal sigh. The prospect of standing out so conspicuously seemed almost embarrassing, but she held her tongue and merely nodded, resisting the urge to roll her eyes, an unladylike gesture that she was sure her mother would not appreciate. With that, her mother exited the room, leaving Persephone to her musings.


The journey to the palace was a mixture of comforting bounces and nerve-racking anticipation. As they approached the grandeur of the palace, Persephone's sisters couldn't contain their excitement, their squeals filling the air. Well, not Penelope, of course; she was ever the composed one. The palace loomed before them, imposing and intimidating, its grandeur setting butterflies aflutter in Persephone's stomach. Hurrying inside, they were nearly late, Persephone colliding with someone in her haste. Yet, time was of the essence, and she murmured a quick, "Pardon me," and continued, paying no heed to the encounter.

Trying to slip into the room unnoticed proved to be a challenging feat. The door creaked loudly when opened, drawing the attention of everyone inside. Persephone felt the weight of judgmental gazes, but she stood tall, ignoring the disdainful glances. Darting toward Daphne Bridgerton, who had invited her to be presented with her instead of her sisters, Persephone enveloped her in a tight hug, a mixture of nerves and excitement bubbling within her. 

The fanfare of trumpets signaled the commencement of the grand presentation. Persephone's heart hammered in her chest, a chaotic symphony of excitement and trepidation. As the room fell into a hushed anticipation, her eyes met Daphne's, a silent exchange of encouragement passing between them. Daphne's reassuring smile gave Persephone a modicum of confidence. With a deep breath, Persephone tried to steady her quivering nerves, her fingers clasping and unclasping around the delicate fabric of her gown.

All around her, the room buzzed with whispered conversations and stifled giggles, the air thick with the scent of perfumes and the rustle of elegant fabrics. Mothers exchanged knowing glances while their daughters clutched bouquets of flowers, their gazes shifting between anticipation and anxiety. Persephone felt like a butterfly caught in a net, fluttering frantically, yearning for freedom amid the suffocating confines of societal expectations.

She glanced back at her own family, her sisters adorned in their colorful gowns, each embodying their unique personalities. Penelope, the ever-practical one, stood with poise, her eyes scanning the room with a keen observance. Prudence and Philippa, vibrant and vivacious, chatted animatedly, seemingly unfazed by the impending event.

As Persephone's eyes shifted to her mother, she found herself searching for a glimmer of approval in Lady Featherington's gaze. Yet, all she encountered was an inscrutable expression, leaving Persephone to grapple with the uncertainty of her mother's expectations.

The presentation, a pivotal moment in every young lady's life, loomed before her like an insurmountable mountain. It wasn't just about impressing the queen; it was about securing her family's future, about adhering to the intricate dance of society. The weight of her responsibility pressed down on her, threatening to crush her spirit.

In the midst of her internal turmoil, Persephone's eyes found Daphne's once more. Daphne, the epitome of grace and confidence, served as a beacon of hope. In that moment, Persephone made a silent vow to herself - she wouldn't succumb to the pressures that threatened to engulf her. She would find her voice amidst the cacophony of societal expectations, even if it meant defying convention.

With renewed determination, Persephone straightened her posture, her chin lifting defiantly. The grand doors to the presentation hall creaked open, revealing the dazzling spectacle beyond. The world beyond those doors held endless possibilities, and Persephone was determined to grasp them, no matter the challenges that lay ahead.

𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐀.Bridgeton, 𝐁.Bridgeton, 𝐒.Bassett, 𝐏.FriedrichWhere stories live. Discover now