Chapter 33 - The Lovers 🔞

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[WARNING: heavy smut ahead,

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[WARNING: heavy smut ahead,

👀 read at your own risk]

Mina swallowed dryly at Jimin’s words, feeling that warm feeling Lucy had once described crawl up to her chest again. She loved the feeling, she truly did. But this was ridiculous, she had never been in a relationship. And now that she knew what Jimin had been through how could she ever allow him to stay with her. Maybe Jimin needed someone more pure and… not her.

She closed her eyes and shook her head, forcing a small giggle.

“Of all people, you choose the most temperamental bitch?” She joked, leaning her back on the pillows.

Jimin didn’t seem very amused. His eyes darkened even more and he raised a brow.

“I’m serious, you know?”

“Maybe. But I think you can do better. Let’s be honest, here, I’m a little bit high maintenance. I can get annoying too. Seriously, ask the girls, they have to put up with a lot.” Mina said, trying to make this a little bit lighthearted and less serious.

Jimin became restless. He hated how she was putting herself down like that. He brought his hands to his face again and then brushed his hair back one more time.

“Don’t put yourself down like that, Mina, you’re amazing.”

“I know! But can you actually picture me in a relationship? It’s a bit funny- Ah!”

Mina scrunched up her face in pain, bringing one hand to her womb, hunching over herself on the bed.

“Damn it… It hurts again?” Jimin asked, scooting to be closer to her and removing her hair from her face “Luna said she gave you a potion, it didn’t work?”

“I’m too far gone for the potion…” She shakily let out, rubbing her thighs together as if she was feeling pain between her legs.

“Let me help.“

Mina froze, tensing when she heard his words. Almost as if responding to what he said, her body heated up and a wave of pain traveled down her spine and into her core, which was aching horribly by now. His hands on her nape and shoulder were not helping, only spiking her libido even more. It was getting harder to say no, her mind clouding and turning hazy as the heat overflowed even more.


“Please, let me help you.” His nose nuzzled at her cheek and then her earlobe, dragging his lips through her hot and sensitive skin “Please?”

Mina whimpered, eyes pooling with tears when another wave hit her. Her voice was shaking when she spoke again.

“It hurts when you do that…”

Jimin didn’t seem to slow his movements, now moving his lips down to the spot right under her ear, earning another whimper from her.

“Let me help you, please…” He whispered against her skin, his hot breath making goosebumps burst throughout her skin.

Mina allowed him more access to her neck, tilting her head and closing her eyes at the sensation of his mouth on her skin. It felt amazing and her body was responding to it with more heat waves and pain in her middle.

When Jimin kissed her neck, Mina whimpered loudly, tears falling from her eyes and one hand coming to grab at his wrist.

Jimin thought she was about to stop him, but then she whimpered in a small, uncharacteristic, shaky voice.

“Please… Make the pain go away, it hurts…”

He didn’t waste anymore time and kissed her roughly, pressing his lips to hers harshly and then moving them desperately. Mina responded right away. Unlike the other times, instead of being more dominant, she became slightly submissive under him, allowing Jimin to kiss, nip and bite her lips. His tongue swiped at her lips and he didn’t wait for permission, only breaching her mouth with his tongue and caressing hers.

Mina moaned under him, one hand grabbing a fistful of his shirt and bringing him closer to her. She allowed him to push her onto the bed, one hand sliding down to her leg and then grabbing her thigh to place it at his hip and the other supporting his weight to hover over her. He felt her hands pull at the hem of his shirt so Jimin quickly raised his torso to peel it off of himself and then went back to kissing her. Mina seemed to be already trying to feel friction, since she was now eagerly lifting her hips to meet his, her hot middle rubbing against his hard cock harshly.

He didn’t want to tease her too much, considering she was clearly in pain, so Jimin started to kiss down her jaw and neck, raising her silky black top to get it off of her. Mina raised herself up only enough to shrug off the robe she had been wearing and then pull the top off over her head. Jimin almost moaned at the sight of her naked torso, her breasts appearing full and almost swollen, begging to be touched and squeezed.

When she laid back down, Jimin took a second to appreciate her. Mina was indeed beautiful, blushed cheeks and swollen red lips, her blue eyes dark and glossy, lust flooding them. Her milky skin was slightly flushed, now with a more pinkish tone to it. Her nipples were hard and almost red, contrasting against the softness of her paleness. Her ginger hair seemed a bit darker in the dim light of the room, the curls stretching on the bedsheets.

“You’re beautiful.” He mumbled, passing his thumb over her upper lip.

Mina released a small breath through her mouth when he started to lower his hand to her neck, passing over her collarbones and then her sternum, surrounding one breast and then traveling past her ribs and to her stomach, where he used his fingertips to trace the lining of the elastic of her shorts.

He dipped his head to her neck again, leaving open mouthed kisses down to her chest, right above the soft swell of her breasts. Mina arched beautifully, throwing her head back, and brought one hand up to his hair, tugging at the soft strands when she felt his tongue swipe at one nipple, while his other hand took hold of the other breast to squeeze and massage, pinching her nipple ever so slightly.

He heard her whimper again, becoming restless again, so Jimin dropped his mouth to her stomach and slid his hands down to her hips, where he grabbed the elastic band of the shorts and her underwear, pulling both down her legs. Mina seemed to panic a little when he kneeled on the floor, right in front of her center.

“No, you don’t have to- “

“It’s ok… I know it’s you.” He mumbled, throwing her clothes aside.

Mina flushed greatly. Jimin would see how worked up she was, how wet she was. Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt his lips kiss her hip bone and then her inner thigh, getting closer to where she needed him to go. And then he licked a slow path up her core, groaning against her.

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, the heat subsiding almost instantly and relief having her sag and let out a breath. Jimin started slow, moving his tongue between her folds and taking his time tasting her. She was sweet, almost like honey in his tongue. One of her elegant hands came to his head, lifting up the strands from his forehead so she could take a good look at what he was doing. He was met with dark blue eyes, lusting over himself while she sinfully bit her lip while watching him. Jimin loved the whimpers coming out of her, breathy and raspy.

He sped up his pace, even slightly shaking his head against her core, then sucking at her clit and pressing on there. Mina cried out, now starting to rock her hips against him. Frustration creeped in when Jimin held her hips in place and didn’t allow her to move, but it didn’t last long. She felt two fingers slide inside and hook.

“Oh, fuck, right there!” She breathed, arching her back and rolling her eyes shut, feeling the pressure in her lower stomach get harder quicker than it ever did.

Jimin never stopped moving his fingers inside of her, pressing just where it felt good, all the while sucking at her core, relentlessly needing to see her unravel under him.

“I’m cumming- Fuck! I’m… “

And it snapped.

Bliss spread all over her as the coil snapped on her lower stomach and the orgasm flooded her senses, making her vision blurry, skin sensitive all over and a wave of warm heat flash through her body. Then the endorphins kicked in, her chest feeling almost heavy with magic, strength creeping up her sore muscles as the ache washed away. She stilled her breathing, mouth parting in a silent moan and her eyes rolled closed.

It wasn’t enough, it would last only for a while, but this was bliss.

Jimin allowed her to come down from her cloud, allowing her to move against his mouth freely. After she was done, he got up from the ground and promptly got rid of the rest of his clothes. He kissed right beside her navel, then her ribs, and finally her breast before fully taking over her mouth again. Mina groaned against his mouth when she felt her own taste in him, the sweetness making her stir again.

“Does it still hurt?” Jimin asked, his voice raspy and low.

“It stopped for now…”

“Good, cause I’m not done.”

Mina allowed herself to smirk at his remark, seeing that slight hint of concern disappear entirely from his eyes and a lusty darkness surround them as he climbed on the bed on top of her. She smiled when Jimin moaned by her ear when feeling her palm slide through his chest, down his abdomen and then surrounding his cock.

Now that the haze in her mind was beginning to lift, she could finally appreciate his body more closely. Jimin’s body was lean and hard, probably from his life as a dancer a few years back. His thighs were no joke, that was for sure. And his member was average size… but thicker.

“Make me cum again… Please?” She moaned, her lips grazing his as she spoke.

Jimin smirked and rolled his hips against her, the friction making her close her eyes at the feeling. He raised his body off of her and Mina almost whined at the lack of contact. He leaned back on his knees and looked down at her, aligning himself with her entrance and then simply sliding inside of her in one go.

Mina cried out and Jimin let out a loud grunt. She was perfect. She was so wet that he could slide inside with ease and her tightness almost had him roll his eyes and cum right then and there. He had to pause for a second before anything else, focusing on her own pleasure. It was that or finishing quickly. It had been far too long since the last time he had done this…

Releasing a breath, he grabbed her hips and raised them a bit to be able to move. Taking the hint, Mina placed her legs at his hips, biting her lip in expectation.

Ever so slowly, Jimin rolled his hips and then moved back in, her walls tightening around him at the feeling. When he started to move more, Mina arched her back and moaned deliciously. Wanting more friction, Jimin started to pick up the pace and move more bluntly, his thighs now slapping against her ass as he thrusted harsher.

Mina was on cloud nine. Jimin stretched her just the right amount, his hands gripping her roughly so that it would leave bruises on her skin, the head of his cock was hitting the perfect spot and she couldn’t contain her moans.

She wasn’t generally a very loud woman, didn’t like vocal men, either. But the way Jimin was moaning under his breath with his thrusts into her, were seriously turning her on even more. He dropped her hips and one hand to the bed, hovering over her as he continued to fuck into her, his eyes suddenly becoming hazy and glossy.

Her neck… He was focusing on her neck. His eyes turned a deep blood red and Mina saw his fangs grow through his parted lips. She moved her hair away and tilted her head to the side.


He didn’t waste time, dipping his head and licking the skin before biting the place where her vein was. Mina moaned loudly at the sting of his fangs on her skin. It felt beyond good to have him suck at her blood at the same time that he was thrusting into her core, rolling his hips sensually. She heard him swallow and then groan heavily down in his chest.

Almost like a wave crashing ashore, her second orgasm rippled through her and she closed her eyes, parting her lips in a silent scream. Her free hand grabbed a fistful of the silk sheets, pulling at them, while the other tugged roughly at Jimin’s hair. He never stopped moving his hips, driving himself into her slowly.

She was coming down from her bliss when she felt Jimin lick at the puncture wounds, causing her to tighten around him harshly. Jimin groaned loudly right in her ear.

“Fuck, you’re tight.” He growled on her lips, grabbing her by the neck and squeezing lightly.

Mina didn’t stop the small smirk that creeped into her mouth, whimpering again when he thrusted a bit harsher into her. He started to pound harder into her core, his cock hitting her g-spot continuously. Jimin lifted himself again, this time looping her leg over his shoulder so he could get deeper.

“Wanna cum for me again?” He growled, starting to move more into her while grabbing her by the neck. Mina nodded eagerly, letting out a juicy moan when he squeezed her neck again “Yeah? Cum for me, baby!”

“Oh, fuck!!” Mina groaned, arching her back and throbbing around him.
Jimin cursed loudly when she got tighter around his girth, ready to come undone again. He let go of her neck and slid his hand to her breast again to squeeze it firmly in his palm. Damn, he loved the feeling of her skin under his hand.

“Jimin! Oh, God, you feel so good!” She groaned between her teeth, arching her back and sliding one hand to hold onto his wrist tightly “Shit, I'm gonna cum again! Don’t stop!”

Jimin knitted his brows together while she unraveled under him one more time, growing tighter. Jimin had to concentrate so not to climax so suddenly, feeling the heat inside of her grow slightly and then ease up. He rolled his hips slowly, allowing her to get her breath back. He loved watching while she came, her eyes rolling closed and lips parting in a silent scream of pleasure.

Mina released the breath she was holding, panting heavily and brushing her now sweaty red curls back using her hand.

They both stilled, filling the room with their pants and ragged breaths. Jimin lowered himself to her mouth again, kissing her softly on the lips, cheeks and then her neck.

“Are you in pain?” He mumbled, voice hoarse.

Mina released a low, purring, throaty laughter under him. He smiled a bit when a playful look came over the sky blue of her eyes.

“I can barely remember my own name, mate, pain is the last thing in my mind!” She said, giggling low in her throat.

Mina nuzzled his cheek, wrapping her arms around his neck to bring him closer to her. Her fingers played with the hairs in the back of his head while her lips kissed his swollen ones.

“You’re still hard…” She mumbled, earning a grunt from Jimin “Lay back for me?”

He was a little taken aback by her question, but then slowly pulled out and moved to do as she asked, laying down on the bed, his cock still hard and red, ready to explode. He bit his lip while watching as she lifted up to bluntly straddle his hips, her center rubbing against him. Mina lowered her body on top of him, her mouth softly easing onto his lips for a soft kiss. He grabbed her by the cheeks to deepen the kiss and Mina used his distraction to slide her hand down between them and line him up with herself again, slowly easing down on him.

Jimin frowned and dropped his mouth open, moaning loudly at the tightness. Mina loved the way he reacted to her, either when entering or when touching her. His moans were breathy and soft, his voice slightly hoarse and deep.

She moved slowly on top of him, rotating her hips languidly, smiling when he went a little wide eyed when she sat back on him and gave him a bit of a show. She was able to keep up the low rhythm, until Jimin started to grip her hips to move her harder on top of himself. She smirked when he cursed and frowned deeper, now trying to chase his own high. Jimin surprised her momentarily when he ground his feet on the mattress and gained momentum to start fucking her harder.

The buildup was faster and sudden in the pit of her stomach. Mina knew for a fact that when she deprived like this for so long, she could keep cumming until she grew tired. So it was no surprise when he had her unraveling so many times.

“Fuck, Mina, I’m gonna cum!” He groaned loudly, scrunching his eyes shut.

Mina felt him throb inside of her for a second before he shouted his release. His fingers dug into her flesh, bruising the milky skin. The feeling of him cumming inside was what triggered her final orgasm, her nails scratching his shoulders while her own release crashed onto her softly and then subsided.

Any pain that had once been there was now fully gone, the uncomfortable heat subsided and left her with a languid exhaustion she had never felt. Jimin’s thumbs were caressing her hip bones, while he recovered from the hardcore orgasm he'd just gotten. Mina hissed softly when she pulled him out from herself.

He allowed her to lean back down on top of his torso, his arms instinctively wrapping around her body and pulling her as close as possible to himself.

She let out a breathy sigh of content when Jimin nuzzled her cheek for a quick kiss and then closed his eyes to breathe in her scent and lull himself to sleep.

Fulfillment. Yeah, that’s what it was.

~Sass 😘
(Seriously, finally 🤣)

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