1.5 A Moonlight Serenade*

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          "How on earth did you find a place like this?" Benedict exclaimed, raising his voice so he could be heard over the drunken punters singing and dancing to their hearts content

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"How on earth did you find a place like this?" Benedict exclaimed, raising his voice so he could be heard over the drunken punters singing and dancing to their hearts content. Any nervousness he felt earlier in the evening had completely vanished as he became hypnotized by the colourful atmosphere.

The siblings had dragged him down the cobbled streets of London and into a pub called 'The Rose and Crown'. Alicia made sure to keep a firm hold on his hand the whole way there so he didn't find himself getting lost in the maze of people and poached by women of the night. He didn't quite get the memo of dressing down as to not appear too important.

"Everywhere we go we make it our royal duty to find out where the footmen drink." She replied with a mischievous smile and pulled him down to sit on a barstool.

"Drink up Benny boy!" Dorian shouted as he place three overflowing glasses of clear gin on the table.

Benedict watched in amusement as the siblings casually picked up their glasses and drank the full amount in one go. They barely flinched at the dry alcohol, leaving the Bridgerton to wonder how they were so easily able to swap to the refined, toned down personas they showed at formal events.

Not wanting to disappoint, he followed in taking a large gulp of the clear liquid. In anticipation, the Princess shifted to the left- and was grateful she did as within seconds, Benedict spat the alcohol out in a reflex reaction.

The royals let out a childish giggle as the youngest handed him a cloth and the oldest patted him on the back.

"You'll catch-up" Alicia comforted.

"God- I hope so." Benedict spluttered out between coughs.

As the evening progressed and more drinks were bought, the three found themselves roaring drunk, becoming relaxed and able to wind down from the very formal week they had.

Alicia and Benedict were up on their feet, dancing alongside all the other lively couples in a far less graceful manner than at the Danbury Ball. Politely placed hands and careful steps were replaced with clumsy twirls and trodden toes. For the first time in a long time, the second born Bridgerton felt free.

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