numero uno

12 0 0

stan peppity pig ^^

HOLAA! Welcome, welcome. I hope you enjoy my poorly written masterpiece. love you all, goodbye now. <33

TW ⚠️


I feel the stinging pain as his hand makes contact with my skin. His words are harsh, making me flinch every time he speaks. My eyes trail down to the floor as I push the tears away.

I cannot be seen as weak.

I stumble back and try to get away but get pulled back and pushed to the floor again.

As I kick him in the shin, I see an opportunity and take it; bolting out of the door. I don't turn back, I can't turn back. It's cold. It's wet, and I look like a right idiot... but at least I got away.

From him.


What the fuck are you doing?

Adrenaline pumps through my body as I keep sprinting, glancing behind me every two seconds to make sure no one's chasing me.

You have nowhere to go. Turn around.

Despite the fact that my body feels like it would collapse any second, I lift my hands to feel an already bruising face when I run into a wall.  Well... what felt like a wall anyway. I get knocked to the floor with a loud thump and my vision isn't as clear anymore.

I laugh internally at how stupid I must look as I scramble my way to my feet. I feel a pair of big, steady hands help me to my feet and body stiffens.

Face it Peter, they found you again.

My breath hitches and I start hyperventilating, unable to calm myself down.

You know better than this. May would be disappointed. Stop being so fucking pathetic.

I'm drawing way too much attention to myself.

I feel dizzy all of a sudden and start stumbling away from the figure, trying to bolt again.

My knees buckle and I catch a glimpse of the figure. Tall man, blonde hair, a very concerned look spread across his face.

I hear muffled speech but ignore it as I struggle to get out of their iron grip. My eyelashes start fluttering and I fight to stay awake but a sharp pain in my head causes me to lash out, collapsing in the man's arms.

—12 hours later—

I force my eyelids open and quickly scan my surroundings before starting to panic.

White room. White bed. No windows.

Memories come flooding back. No. No, no, no. It can't be.

My breath quickens again, and a man walks in. Lab coat, grey hair, short matching stubble.

"You're finally awake," he stated, sending a hesitant look towards the camera i  the corned if the room as he picks up a bunch of charts.

I refuse to speak, looking around the room once more, locating an exit. Another man enters, and I recognise him as the one who found me like this.

"Bruce Banner." The doctor said, looking up from the charts. My eyes drop to the floor.

Holy shit. THE Bruce Banner.

"Steve here brought you in yesterday in a fatal condition. Care to elaborate?" Bruce asked, gesturing towards the blonde man. Steve... wait.

I stay silent and curse to myself when another two walk into the room; a redhead and a man with glasses. Great! More questions.

They take my silence as a no and carry on to mention my condition.

—Bruce POV—

I don't know who this boy is, but he looks awfully young.

Steve brought him in last night, with him bleeding out internally in many different places, broken nose and many scars that covered every inch of his body.

He looks... completely fine though? A blank expression was spread across his messed-up face.

"We're not here to hurt you." I mention cautiously, watching as his expression slightly relaxes.

—Peter POV—

They seem friendly, but I can't trust them yet.

"Healed bullet holes, previous knife wounds on your back and thighs. A lot of scarring, bruising and more. Aware of all that?" Steve spoke, making eye contact with Bruce.


I can't tell them anything. They'll lock me up and do god knows what to me. I lift my head my head and take a shaky breath.

You're so weak.

"I-I don't know what your talking about." I state, staring at Tony.

They knew. It was obvious. They all looked at me as if I was some child, full of pity.

"Listen, kid, you're going to have to help us here." One of the unknown people in the room speaks. Tony.

The redhead shoots me a sympathetic smile. I can't believe the freaking Avengers are acting like they care about all if my bullshit.

"I-I can't tell you anything." I stutter for the second time, making their faces frown even more.

"Can't? Or won't?" Natasha asks. I ignore their questions. If I keep my mouth closed, then they won't get anything out of me... right?

They all step closer. I spot an iv attached to my arm and start trying to jerk it out. Steve and Tony try to rush towards me. I grab the needle and hold it up in front of my torso, in a gun motion.

"Please, stay away," I order, making them back up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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