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This chapter is based on Return of Grindelwald and Harrison Grindelwald.

I do not own Harry Potter universe, all credit belongs to J.K Rowling. I Only own MC and his storyline.

Nurmengard, Austria - 1945

Gellert Grindelwald, wielder of the fabled Elder Wand, The Deathstick and the Wand of Destiny, knew it was all over as he watched his old lovers spell sail through the air towards him. The area around them was practically buzzing in raw magic from the both powerful sorcerers, the air had a touch of ozone to its scent and the world had just witnessed the grandest duel known to man.

All Gellerts magical powers had been used and he knew he didn't have the power required to cast his beloved protego diabolica charm Gellert had acknowledged his fate and knew that for all intents and purposes his crusade to free the magical world from the oppression of the muggles was lost.

As Gellert fell onto his knees, dropping the wand he so loved and looked on as Albus Dumbledore summoned the wand to his hand and slowly walked towards him. Even years after their separation, after the terrible fate of Ariana Dumbledore, after the three-way duel that concluded in the ending of her short and miserable life and even after being on the losing end of this epic duel Gellert didn't have it in himself to hate or even despise his former lover. The only true emotions Gellert felt were disappointment in himself and longing for the man walking towards him.

"Meine wahre liebe," Gellert spoke as Albus came closer. His beard trash, torn clothes and a thin layer of sweat all around his face with his original black, twirled wand in his right hand and the Elder wand in his left.

"It's been a long time Gellert, too long," Albus said as he looked on to his former friend and lover with a sad, resigned smile.

"Too true my friend, too true. And I fear this is the end for both myself and my cause, at least for now," Gellert answered in his silky and smooth voice that even to this day made a shiver creep up Albus spine.

The mind of the by all means brilliant Albus Dumbledore instantly went into overdrive and the wording "for now" didn't, in Albus mind make any sense.

"Have you not yet resigned yourself to your fate Gellert? Has time not made you any the wiser than during the time of our youth?"

"My dear Albus, I know what's coming and just like the great Ignotus Peverell I welcome Death with open arms as my equal"

Albus slipped his wand back into his wand holster. Meanwhile a sad, almost broken laugh slipped out of his mouth.

"You truly think me capable of ending your life? You're the only man, no person I've ever truly connected with. Gellert you were my life, my future. There doesn't go a day I wish I couldn't change the past and by all means you deserve death more than anyone." A sigh leaving Albus. "But I can't be the one giving it to you," The tears flowing from the eyes of Albus Dumbledore were pure and it made Gellerts heart ache.

"Where does that leave us, my love? Will you set me free after all I've done?"

"The halls of your castle will make a fine prison, no fortress could possible compete against it after its charms and wards were woven into the very bricks of the castle. In there you will serve your punishment and all I can hope is that time will make you see the error of your ways."

"All I ever wanted was for us to be free from the oppression of the muggles. I wanted us to be able to freely practice our magic, to freely practice our love. You more than anyone should know what the muggles are capable of. Isn't Ariana more than enough proof of how vicious muggles are?"

"The actions of mere schoolboys, my dear Gellert. Doesn't define all muggles and we have to show empathy and compassion towards those that haven't been blessed with the gift from mother magic."

Gellert Grindelwald sighed and finally realized he wouldn't be able to change Albus ways. As a master of the darkest of arts, Gellert had a wide arsenal of magicks and spells long lost to man, able to alter realities in ways that would make Dark wizards drool and Light wizards shiver in fear. But the spell about to be used by the Dark Lord Grindelwald were neither dark nor light and hadn't seen the light of day in centuries. The particular spell used was created by the first Lord Grindelwald as a safeguard to ensure the magical line of the Grindelwald family never ceased to exist.

It was hidden deep inside the heavily protected family library behind wards and safeguards to ensure that it would never be found by anybody else than the Lord of the house. Gellert as instructed by his predecessor sought the scroll out and memorized it, knowing he might someday be needed to utter the words no other Lord Grindelwald before him had.

So, with a final resigned look into the deep blue eyes of his love, Gellert started muttering;

"Sit conpedibus ut vincula mea et mater dimisit in magica, dignum me putes. Quaerite me et ostendam ante faciem ipsius viam Grindelwald heredis. Inquam, ut in magica, ideo eam potest sciri, sic fiat semper."

As the last words left Gellerts lips he felt a part of his family magic leave him, out to search for a new Lord to the Grindelwald family.

Dumbledore stared in horror as his love started muttering something incoherently. His mutterings lasted for exactly a minute before Dumbledore witnessed a tiny flicker of light leave the lips of Gellert - not that dissimilar of a soul leaving the body as a Dementor sucked it out. Dumbledore started ... that was exactly what it was! He moved to intercept, but failed to reach Grindelwald's body in time as the light flickered and then vanished into thin air. Interestingly enough, Grindelwald remained breathing, but Dumbledore could see that all that was left in the mind of his ex-lover was madness without a shred of intelligence.

Dumbledore wondered what it was that Gellert hoped to achieve by releasing a piece of his mind and his magic, but he didn't dwell on it further as the Americans and British Witches and Wizards all approached with cheers on their lips.

Unbeknownst to Gellert, Albus and the rest of the magical world soon to be celebrating the end of the war, it would take another 36 years for the family magic to recognize a wizard powerful and resourceful enough to mantel the role of Lord Grindelwald.


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