prologue:waking up

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Cale been in the a coma for 1 week and he woke up suddenly when he was supposed to wake up 2 week from his coma and....he woke up crying!?!?

Cale was just with the god of death into....the god of death said something

My child you time with me is up*god of death said*

What do you mean*cale said hugging the god of death*

My child you have to go back to your world*god of death said*

Do I have to i finally feel happy*cale said with tear threatening to fall down out of his eyes*

(A/N The reason cale is more sensitive because when that happens he lost some of his memories so he know what happened but he lost the memories with Choi Han and stuff so he doesn't know who he is)

I'm sorry my child but you have to*god of death said already sending him away*

Thank you for finally making me happy and by—*cale said but got caught off but him going back to his own world because he was with the gods*

Everything suddenly went black for cale and he was on something comfortable and than he realize he's on a bed so he tried to open his eyes and he was hit with a blight light*

Huh..?*cale was confused so he sat up and pain hit him hard*

Cale was tearing up from the Pain when he sat up*

It hurt why Am I in pain who should I call maybe ron,no not him what about Han*cale thought sitting up*

Han!!*cale yell out to han*

Han come in to the room and saw his young master awake*

Yes young master*han said while bowing down*

Han....why does my body hurt*cale said confused on why his body hurts*

Huh young master you body hurt because a guy beat you up...*hans said*

What do you mean Hans?*cale said not remember what happened last*

Young telling me you don't remember*hans said shaking*

Hans just call me cale you one of my people and I don't remember anything that happened*cale said*

Youn- I mean Cale-nim it okay if you don't remember are you hungry*hans said*

Yes I want food let go now*cale said getting up and walking with Hans*

Hans and Cale were walking to the dinner table and than when they arrived*

Hey Hans.....get me some food now*cale said sitting down looking at his family*

Yes cale-nim I do it right now*hans went to the kitchen to get the food*

His family were looking at him weird and Cale was going to say something about it*

Why are you guy looking at me weird...?*cale said*

It just we didn't know you were awake so dis was a surprise*deruth said*

Hyung/oraboni you awake finally*basen and lily said*

Yep I woke up today and btw why was I in bed anyway*cale said asking them for more information*

You got beat up by this boy name choi han? Beacuse you insulted his family*violan said*

Oh I didn't insulted his family but the Village but not the villagers*cale said feelings like he was misunderstand*

Hans came out with the food and it look good for cale start eating in and with one bite and another he didn't finish his food only a half a quarter of his food*

Hans I not hungry anymore*cale said leaving hans and his family startled and it cause a big misunderstanding*

Cale can you eat more for us*deruth said worried for cale*

Huh..sure I guess*cale said sitting back down and eating half of his plate*

Cale-nim are you done yet there some people wanting to visit you*hans said bowing down to cale*

Yes I'm done take me to them*cale said standing up and walking away with hans*

Cale walk into his room and see alberu the crown prince*

Alberu-nim why are you here*cale said walking to him and senting hans off with his hand*

I came to visit you cale*alberu said turning around to see cale*

You came to visit for m-me*cale said making his heat fluttered*

Yes but what happened to your face cale*alberu said touching the bandages on his love face*

I got b-beat up by s-someone*cale said starting to tear up and hugging alberu*

It okay my love...but who did this*alberu said hugging him back*

It was choi han I think it because I said I hate the village that my mom died in*cale said crying*

Hmmp I make sure he pay for what he did to my love*alberu said planning a murder*

It okay alberu-nim don't harm him I'm fine*cale said crying a little bit less*

Fine my love but go alseep now I watch you rest*alberu said gently guiding him to bed and Cale follow him*

Ok alberu*cale said going on the bed and falling alseep to a lullaby that alberu sing*

Alberu was looking at cale with a look that said he will kill choi han but he can't so he planning a torture for choi han it to protect his love his love! Alberu watch his Cale for the rest of the time he was alseep and it look like cale didn't plan to watch up anytime soon so alberu gently put his hand on his hair*

Choi Han.....we pay!!!*alberu said looking crazy*

Hey guys it the end of this chapter I hope you enjoy this chapter reader-nim and have a good day And guys this is my first fanfic and I will do a reacts book to about this au and I will write more chapter but I'm really busy school student so it will take me a while to finish the other chapter and btw the ship in this will be og alberu x og Cale and there will be mention of Cale getting sexually assaulted, and there is also mention of torture,gore and there will be some mention of sex

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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