Chapter 3

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After classes we agreed to go to the café that sells donuts, but before we even had left the classroom:

-"Wait, I forgot that I'm supposed to take my little sister home." - said Kominato-kun

-"How could you forget something like that hahaha!?" - Kou started laughing like crazy 

-"Well, I was really hungry you see..." 

Kou and Kominato-kun had started to argue with each other by this point, and us the girls just laughed and made fun of the situation. 

-"Why not take her with us?"- Shuko said and we all turned to her - "I think she would like to, after all she's sort of new in town. Besides she's really sweet and I'm dying to hang out with her again."

-"That's right! You met her during spring break, I totally forgot." - Yuri said smiling 

-"Oh, how did I not think of that myself?! That's perfect!" - Kominato-kun said cheerfull

-"You probably can't think right unless you're fed hahah." - Kou chimed in

-"Guys, come on, if you keep arguing we'll never get out of here..." - I said sighting - "Also, I'm starting to be hungry myself, so can we leave already?"

-"You're also hungry?! Oh, that's right, I forget that you eat like the world is about to end as well hahahahaha!" -  Kou said teasing

We finally left the classroom and went to the lobby to change shoes. Risa, Kominato-kun's sister,  was already there waiting for her brother.

-"There you are Aya! I thought you'd forgot about me.. but then I remembered Shuko-san would never allow something like that to happen!" - she said sticking her tongue out 

-"That's not fair, I've never forgot about you once!" - he said indignantly

-"You almost did today, idiot." - Kou said, starting once again their bickering 

-"I already told you that I'm hungry and that's why I forgot for just a second!" - Kominato-kun said pushing his forehead against Kou's

-"Are they always like this?" - Risa turned to Shuko wondering

-"Sometimes, but you know your brother, that's just his way hahah" -she answered

-"When they're together, they act like kids. It's hilarious sometimes. By the way, I'm Yoshioka Futaba and this is Makita Yuri, it's really nice to meet you!"

-"I actually had met Risa-chan at Ucchi's concert, during spring's break, but it's really nice to see you again!" - Yuri said - "How are you liking the school? I hope everyone has been nice to you."

-"I'm loving it! I already made a few friends and they're great." - she said with a wide open smile - "Wait, you said you're name was Yoshika?"

-"Yes, why?" 

-"No particular reason really... its's just__"

-"Ok, I'm ready to go now! Oh that's right Risa, I forgot to tell you that we were gonna go to this amazing café that sells the most delicious donuts and we want you to come as well!" - Kominato said cheerful.

I guess him and Kou had quit all the bickering and were finally ready to go. After that we all started walking to the café. They were all talking like crazy and laughing, but for some reason I couldn't forget about what Risa-chan had said. I mean, it wasn't anything that shocking, but the way she said it...

-"Is everything ok Futaba-chan?" - Yuri noticed that I wasn't participating in their conversation

-"I'm not entirely sure..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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