Heist For Good Gone Wrong

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Later that day, Marmalade took all of us into the city. I couldn't help but wonder what he was planning as we pulled up to Sunnyside Laboratories, where about a hundred angry activists were picketing. However, since I was out of the house, I took this as an opportunity to wear one of my dresses. Simple, yet bold.

"That is an animal testing lab," Marmalade explained

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"That is an animal testing lab," Marmalade explained. "Within: 200,000 helpless guinea pigs all being poked and prodded by sadistic scientists."

"Guinea pigs, you say?" Snake said, seemingly excited. Trying to remain positive, I just hoped he was looking forward to saving them.

"Snake..." Wolf said sternly.

"Okay," the Professor said. "I want you to rescue them, but this is a heist for good. So I brought something more friendly for you to wear."

With that, Cuddles handed each of the Bad Guys a cute, fluffy onesie and as they got dressed, the Professor pulled me aside.

"Keep an eye on them," he whispered, "and don't let them screw this one up."

"Of course, sir," I replied. "I won't let you down."

"Good girl!" Marmalade said as we all stepped out of the car and Cuddles drove him away. "Bye!"

Once he was gone, I noticed the Bad Guys taking in how ridiculous they felt. I'm not gonna lie, they did look kinda silly. Especially Wolf in the sheep's clothing.

"Well, there goes our street cred," Webs huffed.

"At least it's comfy," Piranha said, not feeling as bad.

"So, ready to make the world a better place, guys?" I asked them.

"Let's just get it over with," Wolf groaned and we all climbed up the building to an open window. "Alright. We need to distract that scientist. Shark, you're up."

"Copy that," Shark said, sneaking away.

"Okay," Wolf said. "We're gonna need a rope and a hook."

"I got this one!" Snake volunteered.

"What?" the others exclaimed simultaneously.

"You're volunteering?" Piranha asked.

"You've never volunteered for anything," Webs pointed out.

"Sure, I did! Right now!" Snake replied. "Throw me up there! Giddy up!"

"Really?" Wolf asked, grabbing him.

"Yep!" Snake insisted. "I'm 99% sure you can make it!"

"Okay," Wolf said nervously.

"Let's do it!" Snake shouted. With that, Wolf spun Snake around like a lasso and accidentally slammed his face in the wrong spot. "Okay... 96% sure."

As Snake hit the window over and over again, I saw Shark wearing glasses and a fake moustache throwing a ball and the scientist running off to catch it. He then ran to the open window to grab Snake and the rest of us climbed up into the building.

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