Babie WWX

811 37 2

Next thing you know, Hua Daiyu was off of the floor of her burning dorm, and was blinking away the sunlight shining into a nearly empty street as steam from a pot clouded the cold air. The street surrounding her was covered in snow, and she could tell that the only thing keeping her from freezing was the pot in front of her. The buildings appeared a few centuries out of date, and were made of wood and stone.

'Wait a minute, wasn't I just burning to death in the dorm? How the hell did I end up in a drama set?'

Few people were walking in the street, probably from the cold, although the sound of barking could also be heard as it echoed throughout the alleys.

As she thought about the dogs, something grabbed at her leg and clung to it. Startled, she turned her head down to meet a child with dirty and tangled black hair, face buried in the cloth of her robes.

'What the hell? Why is someone's crotch goblin clinging to me? Again, aren't I dead? I'm supposed to be like, uncorporeal or something.' 

The said child moved further into her leg as the sound of barking drew nearer, and this is when Hua Daiyu's sister instincts rushed in. She could tell the child was scared, so she leaned down and pulled the small things into her arms just as a small pack of dogs rounded the corner of an alley. Seeing her, someone who was much bigger than they were, the dogs were hesitant in their continued hunt, and approached the pair slowly.

Well, until the older girl glared at the dogs with a menace only seen in that of an angry mother bear. The look seared into the dogs' skin and they slowly backed away  before fleeing back into the alley from where they came from.

'Damn, who knew all those looks from mom would come in handy.' She wheezed internally at her own joke, only to then be distracted by a whimper coming from the child in her arms.

Unsure of what exactly to do, she just started patting the child's back.
"Hey, they're gone now, you can look up." She said, albeit somewhat awkwardly.

The child lifted his head from where it was once buried into her chest, and looked around the street before then looking up to the one he deemed as his savior.
Hua Daiyu also looked down at the child, noticing familiar silver eyes that were placed on an even more familiar face.

'WAIT A DAMN MINUTE, IS THAT FUCKING WEI WUXIAN?!' She shouted in her mind. Her surprise showed on her face, and the boy, who was now known as Wei WuXian, looked confused and even a little hurt, thinking that the older girl was disgusted by his looks.

Hua Daiyu, still in shock, began to deny her earlier thought, as this was something that only happened in novels. Transmigration couldn't possibly be a real thing.
Yet, as she continued to examine the small boy, the more convinced she was that this was the ever-so-famous Yiling Patriarch, as a child.

'Holy fuck, how the hell is this happening?' She thought, but then the boy in her arms started to shed a few tears. She quickly broke out of her shocked stupor, and asked, "Whoah whoa whoa, why are you crying all of a sudden? The dogs are long gone!" She tried to reassure him, and as tears still fell from his eyes, he looked up to Hua Daiyu with the most innocent and pure face she had ever laid eyes on and cried, "You think I'm ugly and dirty! Just like everyone!"

'Ah shit. He's observant but not quite the sharpest.' She thought.

She brought up a finger and flicked his head, stunning the boy out of his tears.

"Now how could anyone think such a thing?! All I see here is a handsome boy that just needs a but of TLC." She said sternly, and Wei WuXian visibly brightened, a small smile creeping onto his face.

"What's TLC?" He asked, and Hua Daiyu deadpanned.

'Crap, I'm already breaking character.' She swore in her head.

"Oh it's nothing too important, just means you need a bit of tender and loving care." She offered a smile, and the boy began to tear up again. Panicking once more she frantically asked, "H-hey! Why are you crying again?!"
Wei WuXian smiled brightly and said, "Happy!"
Hua Daiyu relaxed and was then interrupted from her next answer by a loud grumble.

She and Wei WuXian both looked to his stomach, and Hua Daiyu giggled while Wei WuXian looked a bit embarrassed.

She put him down and pulled a wooden bowl from the stack next to her and scooped up a large serving of porridge. She handed the child the bowl, and he looked up at her for a few seconds, smiling brightly, and began inhali- I mean enthusiastically eating the food.

In a few seconds, the bowl was empty, and Wei WuXian held it up to her for her to put back, but she simply scooped more out of the pot and gave it back to him.

"Eat as much as you want, no one has come for it anyway, and I don't want to waste it." She was entirely unsure if what she said was correct, but Wei WuXian seemed to believe it and scared down the newly filled bowl of porridge.

Self-Sacrificing Elder Sister (MDZS fanfic) - DISCONTINUED 😅Where stories live. Discover now