you're so cool, it makes me hate you so much

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Taylor softly opens the door wondering who could be here at this time. She hopes it's Joe but to her disappointment it's not. 'hey taylor you suddenly left, did something happen?' tom asks her curiously. 'hey, uhm i had to quickly do something, but dont worry about it'

*rougly 2 months later*

Taylor drops her bags on the floor of exhoustion and sighs loudly while dropping her shoulders. She grabs her phone out of her bag on the floor and calls Blake. It rings three times before she answers 'hey blake' taylor says into her phone 'oh my god where have you been, you have called me maybe one time these last two months' blake answers with an displeased tone in her voice. 'uhm well maybe you should come over so i can explain what happened ' 'im actually in the middle of shooting a scene right now, can i come over at 8pm or so?' 'oh shit, of course. good luck'

After taylor hangs up the phone she opens her recording app and tries to sing this part of a song she came up with a few days ago. 'it was the best of times, the worst of crimes. i struck a match and blew your mind. hmm hmm hmm something. i wanted to leave him, i needed a reason. x marks on the spot where we fell apa- ugh this is not it nevermind' she is about to delete it when she gets a twitter notification, she reads it out loud. 'taylor swift has done it again, hmm im wondering what that could be' as she opens it her mood immidediatly changes. 'taylor swift has done it again, she dumped another person and has told another lie to the world' she throws her phone on the couch far away from her. It slowly feels like the world is turning against her.

Taylor hears 3 knocks on the door and walks towards it to open it. Blake gives her a tight hug 'hey, how have u been? i just heard that you and tom broke up im sorry' blake tells her and comes out of the hug. 'im fine honestly, come on in' blake is wearing a long dark blue blazer with beautifull details over a white blouse and a pair of denim jeans. She takes off the blazer and puts it on the nearest chair 'wow, it smells so good here what did you make?' blake asks taylor while sitting down at the bar next to the colorfull kitchen 'pasta with avocado pesto, with of course-' she puts a bottle of her favorite wine on the table 'wine' she answers as she smiles at blake. 'i love it' blake says with a smile.

Taylor sits down at the table while blake pours wine in both of their glasses. 'well the night of the met gala i went home to break up with calvin. Then tom came at my door and i honestly wanted to leave here, everything. so we did. for almost 2 months we traveled through europe. drinking wine, swimming and talking all day honestly. but i soon realised that i should not be with tom, i should be with joe-' taylor got cut off 'huh what joe but i thoug-' 'i will explain everything, give me a sec. 'and when i figured that out i wanted to tell tom as soon as possible but that night he' taylor trails off as her fingers run over her wine glass 'well he started talking about our future and stuff' 'no way- what' blake answered. 'honestly i just could not take it anymore, i just ran away. i was too anxious to explain anything after everything with calvin' taylor finishes. Blake sits next to her and gives her a comforting hug. 'im sorry, i didnt know you had all these feelings for joe and this happened' blake says. 'no its okay i promise' blake tries to change the subject. 'you know what ryan did last week'

later that night

'so i probably have to tell you this, but i think you are too late with joe. i saw him leave the met with another girl and they looked really close. that was after he was looking for you though' blake says 'he was looking for me?' 'yeah well he asked about you and said he could not find you so' taylor drops her face in her hand after hearing what blake said. 'hey you okay?' blake asks her, taylor looks up 'yeah it is just a bit messy, i should not have left with tom' taylor says.

13 days later

Taylor is laying in her bed, tired after a day of recording because nothing she recorded she actually liked. She lowers her head just as her phone buzzes and she gets a text. She picks up her phone and holds it really close to her eyes to read the message.

*abigail- hey tay, how are you. There is a party starting at 11, do you wanna come? Selena is gonna be there too*

Taylor slowly types her response

*taylor- i'm okay, what about you? thanks for checking up. I actually don't really feel like going, maybe another time*

Not even 3 seconds after the text she gets a call

*hey, its abigail. 'and selenaaa' (screamed selena from the back through the loud noise)*


*well we really miss you, we haven't seen you in forever and we just wanna make sure you are okay. Can you please come, even if it's just an hour*

*i mean sure, i miss you guys an-*

*great we'll come and pick you up in about an hour. love you*

later that night

As they walk in the lights slightly shine right into taylor's eyes. The music was so loud and they barely could see anything due to the dancing poeple around them and the blue lights.

'lets do shots' selena suggested as she grabs three shots from the waiter who jut walked by them. 'yes' they both shout enthusiastic. They take the shots as they walk the podium up to dance. Taylor grabs another shot for the three of them and they take it as they are dancing to the music. 'isnt this way more fun then sitting at home all day' abigail says. 'mhm' taylor answers.

Suddenly someone taps on taylor's shoulder. Taylor jumps up and quickly turns around 'oh my god, hey blake what are you doing here' taylor says to her 'abigail invited us. It looks like you're having fun' blake answers. 'yeah i kind of am actually' 'ah great!' blake says while getting a text and grabbing her phone to check it. After a few seconds the look on her face turns to a concerning look. Taylor stops dancing 'you okay?' she asks blake. 'yeah i... someone just texted me a picture and apparently joe is here' 'thats okay i mean whats wrong with that' taylor says 'oh i just thought because you were trying to get over him and stuff' blake answers. 'it doesnt matter' taylor says while she laughs it off. 'okay great!' im gonna just say hi to him quickly' blake says as she walks away with a smile.

Taylors pov

A few minutes later i gaze at joe and at that exact moment blake points to me while talking to joe. shit. our eyes meet and it feels like my heart is dropping so fast. He slightly smiles at me. God he is gorgeous, this weird maybe jealous feeling in my stomach starts to become heavier. He and blake turn around to talk to his friends. i hate that i can't have him. i hate him for making me feel this way honestly.

Johnatan asks me what's wrong. i look confused at him 'what do you mean what's wrong?' 'you've been staring at the guy blake is talking to for a long time' and then i realize. 'oh shit i have, havent i' he gives me a thin lip nod. 'yep' 'my god, i have to go' i say while i pick up my purse. I hear about five people shout my name when i leave but i ignore it


hey i hoped y'all enjoyed the second chapter to this story :)
Let me know if you like me writing from the narrators pov more or from taylor's pov

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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