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When we got to this little cottage in the forest I observed the scenery. It had evertrees surrounding the small cottage with a beautiful little river running under a little bridge. Flowers made for a wonderful sight and its scent was carried through the wind. Lily pads passed through the water carrying little frogs that caught and ate the bugs that passed. Koi swam peacefully as little puffs of smoke came out of the chimney. Me and the others walked across the bridge to see a garden with onions, strawberries, raspberry bushes, apple trees, and much more growing. Lizards slept peacefully under the sun as cats ran across the bridge I just finished crossing. I entered the house to see baji bandaged up sleeping on the couch. On the chair beside him I saw a girl with short blue hair, one green and one red eye, in a gray hoodie that seemed pretty big on her and some white sweats. "Who are you?" I asked. "I'm Y/N!" she exclaimed happily. "I'm Takemichi's little sister!" She finished standing up. "Nice to meet you, my name is Ran." I stook out my hand for her to shake. Instead of her shaking my hand she hugged me, it surprised me but I hugged back. The door opened and then everyone else walked in. "You guys must be Takemichi's friends, nice to meet you, I'm his sister!" She exclaimed happily. "Wow I didn't know Michy had a sister," Mikey mentioned. "Anyways my name is Y/N, ohh yeah if you hurt my brother in any way I'll rip off your arm feed them to the wolves put you in a bucket of nails, then if your still alive I'll burn you in a fire and if your still alive again I'll feed the rest off to the wolves and do that again and again even when your dead, so what are your names," she smiled like she never said any of that. A sound then came from the door.

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