Chapter 8

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Brian bounced the basketball, feeling impatient. Where was Amanda? He was anxious  to see her again., which surprised him to no end. He decided he must be a glutton for punishment, because as much as she seemed to look down on him and his life style he still enjoyed every minute he spent with her. Even when they are arguing.

The woman had a real flair for putting him in what she called his place. She was fun.

He heard a sudden squeaking of gym shoes and looked up, a huge smile spreading across his face when he saw her. Amanda was waltzing onto the gym floor, looking as if she wore the comfortable baggy sweatpants and thigh length sweat shirt everyday. She couldnt quite stop her nervous hands however from tugging on the hem of the shirt trying to pull it further over her thighs.

He couldn't resist teasing her. "Well, Mrs Hansen you have long legs. I hadn't realized."

She held his steady gaze and Brian found himself anticipating what she might say. She never reacted like most woman would.

She was definitely unique.

"There was no need, nor will there ever be a need for you to notice my legs, Brian."

His smile never faded. He enjoyed baiting her, watching her struggle with her temper. "Is every damn thing you own the same shade of mud?" Dont you have anything blue or yellow?" He smacked his foreheads if struck by a thought. "Red! You might look...nice in red."

Her teeth snapped together with a cloud click. "What your language. There are children present, and no I have no desire...."

"None at all?"

" wear red! We are only playing basketball, for goodness sake, and I hardly think the occasion warrants dressing up."

"It doesn't warrant dressing down, either. Is your body actually in there somewhere?" He leaned back his gaze ranging slowly over her. "There is enough extra material to cloth three women."

"Not that it is necessary for me to explain myself to you" She told him starting to lose that steady rock solid calm. "But I thought I would wear clothes that were loose to allow freedom for movement. I always wore something similar when I was a child and played basketball. I believe in being comfortable."

Brian paused with interest. "You have some experience with the game then?"

"A little."

He chuckled, knowing Amanda and he was getting to know her despite her efforts to remain aloof, a little probably meant she was very proficient at the game. "Excellent. We will start by outlining the rules to the children and then we will choose sides. I will lead one team and you can lead the other."

Amanda nodded, but put in. "After warm ups. I don't want to take a chance of anyone getting hurt."

"Whatever you say. But you will have to lead those. I don't know any, other than sit ups and such, and I am not certain what the kids this ages are used to."

Brian watched Amanda as she rounded up the kids and introduced them to him. As he spoke with each child taking the time to joke and put them at ease, he caught Amanda staring. He winked at her and she favored him with a genuine smile.

He wasn't used to her doing that and for a second there it threw him. Then he realized she was merely pleased that he was taking the time to really talking with the children. What had she thought he would do? Bark at them?

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