The SFOTH Event

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As the tower starts running faster and faster, he grasps his sword tighter as he was trapped to a dead end.

???: I will kill you for what you have done to this world.

???: Whose to kill when you're already killed.

The tall man shifted his crown and ran towards the sword wielding man.


Cue the suspenseful dark screen. Now welcome back to tower defense simulator: the adventure, earlier a new big threat is in this world, and our towers will be sent to this world to fight this new threat, as the story continues. Now.

Scout (S): Oh man, we got lost.

Soldier (So): Hey Commander, hurry up here.

Minigunner (Mini): He kinda fell asleep somehow.

Minigunner was carrying a sleeping Commander while carrying his minigun itself. And Militant shuffles close by.

Militant (Mili): What was the absolute point of going inside this cave.

S: Thought I saw diamonds ngl.

So: They exist?

Mili: You didn't know?

S: Haven't you played minecraft before?

So: what

S: Bro you suck.

So: gg

Mini: Where are we going now?


Scout falls through a hole.

Soldier: WAIT UP!!

Soldier dives through the hole.

Mili: Uhh. Should we go after them?

Mini: Yep.

Mili: Alright, see you down there.

Militant jumps in first, as Minigunner drops down with Commander. And they all enter a new world.

Mili: Whoa the place is cool.

Scout: It certainly is cool.

Minigunner falls on Militant, and Commander falls head first, waking him up.


Mini: Sorry.

Commander: uhh, that was an interesting wake up call. Wait where are we?

There were platforms everywhere, and with archways, and a huge fiery circle on the floor, along with doorways and stairs. And a weird little sleeping man.

So: Hey look, small little sleeping man.

S: Let's ask him where we are.

Scout and Soldier slide down the pathway.

Militant: They seem interested about it.

Minigunner: Agreed.

C: Man why do I have to get the worst.

Minigunner picks up Commander, and slides down alongside Militant. And Scout and Soldier slowly approach the sleeping man.

So: Hey.

The man awakens.

S: Do you know where we ar-

The man immediately grabbed his sword and pointed it at Scout.

TDS: TA - SFOTH EventWhere stories live. Discover now