Betrayed Pt. 3

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Nariko was very nurvous about who called Hisashi today at his house. Let me think, she thought, who would hate to see me and Hisashi together? She thought that might've been Rei because she had been worried and acting all strange ever sense me and Hisashi started going out. After Nariko calmed down Yuri, she decided to give Rei a call
"Hello?" Whined a high pitched voice
"who is this?" Nariko said then immediately regretted it. She then remembered that Rei was spending the night at her boyfriend, Aido. Nariko didn't know what Rei saw in him. Aido was a very attractive guy. He had hazel eyes, and an acne free face. He had a very slim body and was very kind, but Nariko could tell when something disturbed them. Before Aido had a chance to talk, Nariko cut him off. "Oh sorry Aido, did I interrupt something important?" Nariko said slyly. Even though she couldn't see Aido she knew that the corners of his mouth turned into that one hundred percent perfect smile. "It's ok. I can talk to Rei all week. Here she is. Nice chat we had. Can we have another in the park after your afternoon shift. Alone. There is something I need to tell you." Here's another one of those perfect smiles. Nariko almost hangs up the phone to go back to babysitting and think about what Aido just told her on the phone
"Hey Nariko! So how'd it go with Hisashi! Give me the details." Rei said a little to happily
"It was ok. I kissed him in the cheek but that's it." Narikosaid distracted eyes glued to little Yuri still drawing then complaining she can't color between the lines of her coloring book.
"Booo! Arn't you getting bored already? You guys have been going out for almost a year now and you won't even have your first kiss yet!" Whined Rei
"I know I know it'll happen when I'm ready. Did you call Hisashi a little while ago?" Nariko asked
"Nope. Aido and I were talking." Rei said happily. Nariko learned whatever Rei say she's talking with her boyfriend, they're talking, but mostly sipping away her mothers wine collection and thinning it out with water or grape juice. And then kissing. After they do that, they watch looney toons and go to sleep, waking up with a head ache.
"why is something the matter? Rei's voice turned from happy to worried very quick and she was happy her friend still supported her.
"No, nothing. Well, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye!" They exchanged their goodbyes and hung up. When Nariko turned around to the kitchen, Yuri tried making popcorn. They faced each other and laughed because Yuri tried to put the whole box in the microwave. They made a humongous bowl of popcorn, put on a movie, and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

After Nariko's shift, she ended up meeting Aido. "Hey, Nariko. I'm glad you came."
Again with the smile.
"Oh course." Nariko tried to put on her best smile but it seemed very wrong, so she let it fall.
"Listen Nariko. I really like you and I want you to be my girlfriend." Aido said embarrassed. Nariko was shocked. She didn't know what to say or do, so she just sat on the bench so Nariko was can suck it up.
"I'm sorry but, I can't. I won't. I'm sorry." Nariko wanted to ur to hisashi's side and burry her face in his chest. But, she knew she couldn't after all this. "Nariko, wait! Let me show you why I like you." She spun around her eyes as big as boulders and a whole world of his memories from me and everyone els I was ever nice to. She couldn't believe he kissed her. Is still kissing her right now at this very moment. She tried to shove Aido away, but she couldn't but she couldn't get away from his grip. He hands were large and soft against her waist but, there's still a death grip with it. Then, for the slightest moment, she understood why are I fell for him. Looking into his memories, he always did great things, nice things for everyone, everyday. And for the slightest second she understood him. She kept trying to get away from him, but his grip didn't loosen. She thought that if he stayed like that he would let go, but her plan failed. Then her nightmare turned true.


"Nariko?! How could you?!" Nariko finally kicked away and saw Hisashi standing here red with anger.
"You know what? We're over!" Hisashi yelled.
"See, now we can be together.." Aido said happily smiling with his perfect smile
Nariko wanted to punch him right now. She ran up to catch up with Hisashi just as his phone buzzed
"Yeah it's done. They won't stand to sit together once. I'm done with them."
Aido snarled as he turned to walk away.
"Boss this is very amusing. When is my next assignment?" Aido said as he walked over the hill into the lunch crowd beaming with pride.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2015 ⏰

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