The Party

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Hey guys. My name is Bella. This is my first story so please don't judge. If you have any mean comments please keep then to yourself. I hope you enjoy


"Ready" called Emma.

"Yep one second, ok ready" I said as I walked out of the bathroom.

"Omigod, you look gorgeous" said Emma "the pink looks great with your skin tone. Now we just have to do your make-up and we're done" (Picture on side. Just the dress/person in it.)

"Ok we have hurry or we're going to be late" I said.

Emma hurried as she did my hair. She curled it with my bangs pulled off my face with a pretty pink clip. For my make-up she did it natural with foundation, bronzer, a little blush, Black liquid liner, mascara and some hot pink lipstick to match my dress.

We grabbed our purses and headed out the door. As we reached my car I realized I forgot my keys in the house. "Emma I forgot my keys let me go grab them." I ran (well as fast as you can in stilettos) up to the door. I grabbed my keys from the table and as I was just about to leave the phone rang "God dam it" I grunted as I reached for the phone. "Who the hell is it" I snapped as I picked it up phone.

"Hey that's no way to talk to your brother"

"Really Ashton, I was just heading to a party can ya call back another time"

"Yeah fine, but tell mom and dad that I said to call them back"

"FINE! Bye" I said slamming the phone on the receiver. I grabbed the keys a walked out the door.

"For fucks sakes what the hell took you so long" said Emma as I reached the car.
"My stupid brother called"
"Hey he's not stupid" said Emma. Emma has the biggest crush on Ashton.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night" I said as we hopped into the car (brand new bright red Lamborghini - my parents are lets just say loaded) and pulled out of the driveway

~•~•~•~•~• at the party~•~•~•~•~•

"We're here" yelled Emma as we walked into the party.

"Lets get this party started" yelled Morgan (my other best friend)

Everybody else cheered with her. As I looked around I saw Joel my boyfriend, so I walked over to him,

"hey babe" I said


~~~~~~~~~~later on that night~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As I walked out of the bathroom I saw Emma, Morgan, Joel, Eric (Emma's bf) and Ryan (Morgan's bf) over by the table with all the alcohol. As I walked over to them Joel saw me and came up to me and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips. Eric and Ryan wolf whistled from the table as we walked back over to the table. As I was about to grab a drink Morgan and Emma pulled me over to the side.

"You guys are getting really serious" Morgan said, "you've been dating for almost 2 years"

"Have you guys even had 'IT' yet" asked Emma.

"Yeah of course" but I knew that they could tell that I was lying. "No, but I have a room reserved for tonight and I have the hole night planed out."

As I told them the plan they nodded along and made suggestion here and there.


Have a couple drinks with Joel to get him drunk so he loose control over his body. Then take him to the dance floor and start grinding to make him horny. Start kissing him and let the girls yell "get a room" the that's the qu to take him upstairs. When we get upstairs I will push him up against the door and I think you all know were it will go from there.


Hey so this is my first update and I hope you like it. If you do then please comment and vote.

PS tell me what you think. If I should add things too it. If I should take things away.

PPS it mite take me a bit to wright the next chapter. I'm really busy with school and hockey (don't judge I'm very much a redneck)



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