Origins of the Z-mech

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This one-shot is summarizing how the zombies got the Z-mech and this wasn't requested I just made it for fun


It was a normal day on the plants side defending suburbia from the zombies until the zombies had a new weapon that would turn the tables on the war.

Zombies POV (Just imagine them speaking)


Random zombie: They ambushed us sir, they had pea Gatlings all over the place.

Dr.Zomboss: Hmmm if they have multiple pea Gatlings defending their garden then we need new weapons to handle those weeds.

Zombie: And how will we handle those weeds?

Dr.Zomboss: ITS SIMPLE we just go to the future and make project Z-mech with the ULTRA reliable Time Machine made from one of our smartest engineers ( If you know who made this ULTRA reliable Time Machine they your one-shot will be made first) TO THE LAB.

As the leader of the zombies went to his lab and started the Time Machine he would go in the Time Machine himself with multiple zombies to protect him if anything goes wrong.


After they arrived at their destination they realized that their base was filled with what seemed like Mechs but the cockpit looked like it would barley fit an imp.

Future Dr.Zomboss: Ah you've finally arrived past Dr.Zomboss.

Dr.Zombies:WAIT who are you? Are you my future self? Did you conquer suburbia and what are those mechs?

Future Dr.Zomboss: Question 1. I am you but in the future. Question 2. I did conquer suburbia. Question 3. I conquers it by using the Z-mechs which helped quit a lot but the way has gotten into a stalemate now that the plants have begun to counterattack after our failed defense of Moon Base Z. And have begun to take parts of Suburbia back so I am giving you a warning DO NOT and I mean DO NOT overestimate the plants after you've captured suburbia. Now take the mechs that I have and make more so that the plants will be overwhelmed by the huge numbers of them.

Dr.Zomboss: Will the Z-Mecha be piloted but Imps from how small the cockpit is?

Future Dr.Zomboss: YES THOSE LITTLE IMPS WILL BE THE DOWNFALL OF THOSE PESKY WEEDS AND WE WILL WIN THE WAR. But not in this timeline we are done the war is over but not in your timeline you have the chance to change it and win the war but you must leave now and take as many Z-mech now go.

As Dr.Zomboss took all of the Z-Mech to his timeline he would later tell all of the Engineers to re-make the tech from the Z-mech and make other techs from it which and Z-Tech Factory was now being built near the base of the zombies.

Time skip

Dr.Zomboss: The time has come my minions the time has come to vanquish this pesky weed once and for all.

Zomboss has been preparing an all out assault on suburbia with all of the new Tech he got from the Z-mech he would attack from the ground from the air and even in the sea.

Plants POV

Random Peashooter: It seems quit to quit to be exact...

Random peashooter: Well the zombies aren't moving around which in my books is always a good thing. Anyways we have a Cuke in almost ready to launch and hit the Zombies base.

Random cactus: Guys I see something near a sewage let me take a look on my drone.

Cactus drone: Is that an imp well this is the most easy kill I can see.

Zombie POV

Random imp: dumb cactus you've fallen into my trap!!!

It has now begun after the imp called in the mech multiple Z-mech came out from a portal and multiple scientists, All stars, Foot soldiers, and Engineers started attacking and the plants were quickly surprised and were quickly vanquished.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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