The beginning of something better

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Y/n's pov
Everything was black, every sound was muffled or just indistinguishable from silence, I felt cold and I couldn't move
The more I tried to move, the more it felt helpless, so I gave in and let consciousness fade


Gasp! I breathed deeply and was hit with icy cold again but I could move!
I open my eyes and And metal surrounding it, I couldn't see past the glass as the fog of the cold shrouded it. "What-" was all I could think
I had no recollection of how I got here
Everything was fuzzy and I felt strangely weak
I tried to push the glass and it gave way to wherever I was. Light shone on my eyes for the first time in what seemed like forever and I shut them, it was blinding. As I opened them.....I was baffled, around me were the remains of a lab. Crumbled to near ruins, this place had been taken by nature. I look behind me to see what I could only guess was a cryo-cooler. It was the only thing that looked serviceable in this place. I looked for an exit and only saw a hallway "only ways forward I-i guess"
I was confused and alone, I did the only thing I could. Walk, and walk I did, I traveled for a while. Still getting used to the soreness I felt and how weak I was. Till I found a door, it was also falling apart so I walked out and saw........a lot of nature, seems I was in a lush forest, Grass as green as the trees were and surrounded by sounds of life, I was still confused. It looked the same but....there's no telling how long I've been out. Time to find out I guess
I saw a road and nearly jumped with joy! That meant civilization, then a memory hit. It was in tatters but I could remember a near mass extinction of a species. This must mean something if it's the only things popping up. I look down and I have clothes that weren't in the best shape to say the least but were serviceable. Black sweat pants, uh black and red hoodie, and running shoes. Cool, there was a bump in my pocket. It was a mask! This only covers my lower half of my face but I guess it'll help.
I put on the mask and walk on the side of the road. Cars past but they seemed slightly more modern than I remember
I walked, and walked, sometime I jogged to speed it up but it still felt like hours. Eventually I saw buildings, big ones, skyscrapers towered above and the city hummed with life, since it was the evening and the sun was going down I had to find a place to sleep.
I walked down the sidewalk and looked at some of the people passing.....
"What in the flying fu-" was all I could think. They were humanoid but not human at all, I saw wolves, lizards, bears, and even sharks! What was this place? I got weird looks from all of them, some of curiosity, some of sneers. I put my head down and remembered I needed a place to stay. What were my options? I could sleep in an alley but that was dangerous, I could also hitchhike but that's also kinda dangerous.
I decide I would hitch hike, I held out my arm, gave a thumbs up and...........

Yeah I left you on a cliffhanger
2nd part will be out soon

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