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After what seemed like forever I sat down. Taylor was getting a bottle of water, he seen me and a smile spread across his face. He waved me over and I skipped over to him. "There is someone here to see you. Not me you" he pointed to my best friend Samantha. I squealed and ran straight to her. "SAMANTHA" I yelled, she looked at me then started to run towards me. I jumped into her arms and laughed when we both fell to the ground. "I cantbelieve you and Taylor are like a thing!!" she said. She had always been the peppier one I was the one that sat there. She squealed and hugged my again, "I have eyes for Matt" she giggled. My eyes widened and something inside me went off. It was jealousy. What the fuck autumn!! I looked at Taylor and matt. "what about Nash or even one of the jacks??" I rushed the words out barley about to say them properly. She looked at me, "okay whats up?" she said looking me in the eyes. I shook my head and looked down. We got off the floor and she walked over to Nash. She started to giggle and they hit it off like 2 peas in a pod. I knew Nash was more her type, Matt was totally not her type. I was knocked out of my thoughts and someone bumped into me sending me to the floor. " OW " I yelled and looked at the person who knocked me over. "watch it" he yelled looking down on me. "your the one who knocked me over jerk!" y yelled back getting up off the floor. Matt stared me in the eye and I stared right back. Man if looks could kill Matt would be dead right now. "how about you run off to your little boyfriend" he snapped pushing past me. "whats your problem ESPINOSA!" I shouted, he turned towards me. "I don't have a problem you do" he shouted. "apparently you do James" I spat in his face. His eyes widened then flashed with anger, " you know what I do have a problem" he yelled everyone was staring by now and I mean everyone. Even Taylor but i don't care I had to see what his problem was. "lets here it then" I shouted throwing my arms in the air. "ever since I seen you I had feeling for you! I didn't know you were the one I was bulling I hate my self for it seeing you so upset killed me and then Taylor stepped in and stole you away before I could ever get a chance with you! And now you hate me because of Taylor and I cant talk to you because of him! That's my problem, I cant talk to the girl that makes me smile the girl that makes my heart skip a beat when I see her the girl that is the most beautiful thing walking earth" he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers." your fingers fit perfectly in the spaces between mine" he smiled and looked me directly in the eyes. I just stood there staring at him, I didn't know what to say. I looked around and seen Taylor staring at me with hope in his eyes. I love Taylor and I couldn't ever ever hurt him. I pulled my hand away from Matt and ran. I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care I just had to get away from him.
I ran out the building and across the street. I looked back and seen Taylor and Matt run out the building. I ran faster and turned into an alley, I sat in the back of the alley in a corner and cried. Why was I crying? I never have been this emotional, its Matt. I don't like him or have feelings for him at all. I love Taylor more then anything in this world, he has been there through everything. I cant and won't leave him. I jumped when someone ran down the alley,"autumn please its jack" I got up and jumped into his arms. He engulfed me and held me tight. "autumn im so sorry" he said stroking my hair. I cried alittle more then stopped. "I just don't know what to do. I love Taylor with everything in me, I DONT have any feelings for Matt what so ever" I said as he set me down. Or was I lying to my self, the jealousy I got when Samantha said she had eyes for Matt. No autumn you don't have feelings for Matt.
when jack took me back to the hotel i changed into some of Taylor's clothes and cuddled up in our bed by my self. I started to get tired so I layed down and looked on Netflix. I soon fell asleep.
~Taylor's pov~
After jack told me he found Autumn and took her back to the hotel I relaxed a lot. I walked over to Matt and he tensed up. "Hey Matt Ummm all that stuff you said to autumn did you mean it" I asked him kinda worried that I might love the love of my life. He nodded and pressed his lips together tightly while looking down. "Taylor I know you love her but please give me one chance with her. Please" Matt looked up at me with red eyes. Matt has never cried in front of anybody, ever. I looked down and thought about it. I don't want autumn to hate me because I do love her with everything in me. "Matt if I do give you a chance with her will you promise me you will treat her better then I could ever" I asked looking down still. " yes Taylor I promise on my life, I promise on magcon and all the magcon fans" I looked down. "fine Matt one try but if she comes running to me saying you broke up with her or anything I will and this is a promise will beat your ass" I said.
~autumns pov~
Taylor walked into his room and sat on the bed. I sat up and looked at him, he has tears in his eyes. "Taylor babe whats wrong" I said sitting next to him. He looked down and pressed his lips together and closed his eyes tight. A single tear slipped out of his tightly closed eyes, "autumn im sorry I cant do this, I think we did better as best friends. Im sorry" I sat there for a second as all the promises we made were broken. The nights we shared were lost all the memories stained my memory. My vision became blurry as tears came streaming down my cheeks. I walked out the room and found my self at Matt's door, before I could stop my self I had turned the knob and stuck my head in. "autumn" Matt's voice came from behind the door. I stepped in and closed the door and made eye contact with Matt. "autumn your crying" he said stating the obvious. I walked over to him and looked down. He wrapped his arms around me and he smelled really good. Apples and cinnamon, he smiled when I wrapped my arms around him. " Taylor broke up with me, I don't know why I came to you " I said stating the truth. He smiled and held me closer. "im glad you came to me, autumn can I ask you something" he said pulling away from me. I nodded, he smiled and started to rub the back of his neck. "Ummm do you want to go.... On a date maybe... Tonight" Matt asked. His cheeks got red and he kept looking at the ground. I giggled, he was cute I admit. "Matt I don't know, because of that James thing and all" I said remembering him being my cyber bully. " please autumn give me another chance I promise I want screw this up if you give me one more chance" he walked up to me and grabbed my hand. He stared me in the eye and I stared back. I looked into his green eyes and I could get lost in his as well as Taylor. I kissed Matt's cheek and started to walk towards the door. "autumn" he said his voice cracking.
~Matt's pov~
I called her name and my voice cracked. She smiled as the turned around. She nodded slowly and giggled. I ran up to her and picked her up and spun her. She squealed as I set her down, I looked her in the eyes. " you want regret this" I said a smile spreading across my face.
I took a deep breath and almost dropped the red rose I had her autumn out of my hands. I checked that all my buttons on my short were buttoned, I also made sure to check my fly. I brought my shaky hand to the door and did 3 knocks. The door shortly opened and Taylor was standing there. I looked down and was afraid to meet his gaze, I looked behind him and seen autumn coming into view. She pushed Taylor out the way and oh my god. Matt don't open your mouth, be a gentlemen. She was wearing a black tank top with a black crop top that said magcon, she had ripped back skinny jeans and a pair of black combat boots. "autumn you look amazing" I said pulping alittle bit. She blushed and looked down, "you do too" she smiled And wrapped her hands around my torso. I wrapped my arms around her waist and then I remembered the rose. "I got you a rose" I said. She pulled away from me and smiled taking the rose I was holding out. She turned to Taylor who was still standing at the door. "can you put this in a vase for me" she asked Taylor. He nodded and took the rose slamming the door in her face.
~autumns pov~
I turned towards Matt after Taylor slammed the door in my face. "sooooo where are we going" I asked Matt. He smiled his award winning smiled and winked at me. " you will see" he said taking my hand and intertwining our fingers. He was right my fingers fit perfectly in the spaces between his. I blushed and looked up at him. He smiled down at me and we headed off towards the elevator.
~Taylor's pov~
I gave Matt a chance but i didn't know he was going to jump in right like that. Last time I saw autumn was when she left the room crying, I woke up and she was dressed up all nice and she was putting on a little bit of makeup. I heard a knock at the door, I got up and answered it to see Matt standing with a rose in his hand. My eyes widened and autumn pushed past me hugging Matt. Matt handed her a rose and she turned towards me and asked me to put it in a vase. I took the rose from her and slammed the door, why am I so mad. I told Matt I would give him a chance but now im thinking I should take it back.
When autumn gets back from this date ill talk to her and see how she feels.
~autumns pov~
Matt led me to his metallic blue charger, he opened my door for me and closed it when I got in. He got in and started the car. "what a gentlemen" I said winking at him. He started to blush and looked down smiling. He was really cute, I think im starting to like him. "sooooo your still not going to tell me where we are going" I asked hoping he would tell me. He shook his head and had a smirk on his face. "you will findout when we get there sweetheart" he said winking at me. My heart fluttered and I looked away. He laved his hand on my knee and sent chills through my body.
"okay autumn close your eyes" Matt said sounding really nervous. I closed my eyes trusting Matthew one hundred percent. "okay I want you to be honest about this, do you trust me" he asked. I felt the car come to a stop and I thought about it. I don't really know Matt that much, but you trusted him to go on a date with him. I nodded my head and I heard a door open then close. My door opened and I felt Matt's arm wrap around me to undo my seat belt. He took my hand and helped me out the car. "okay on 3" he said, "1" I heard water, "2" I wanted to know where we were, "3" I opened my eyes to see a lake. A little down the edge of the lake I seen a blanket layed out with candles. I looked at Matt and he held up a picnic basket. "Matt this is amazing" I said overwhelmed. "this is just the beginning" he said winking at me. I blushed and hugged him, he's so sweet. We sat down on the blanket and talked and talked and talked. I learned a lot about him like his full name is Matthew lee espinosa.
"so how about a walk" Matt suggested ad we stood up. I looked at the water then Matt. My evil mind, "I have a different idea" I said slowly walking towards him swaying my hips alittle bit.
~Matt's pov~
She slowly started to walk towards me swaying her hips. Man Matt keep it together, she pulled me towards her and she got centimeters away from my face. Her lips were hovering over mine, Matt don't lean in instill she leans in. Then she pushes me, I fall and feel a rush of cold water hit me. I came up to the surface of the lake for air. "oh you better run" I said getting out the lake. It was getting dark and it was beautiful out. She started to giggle as I ran after her. I finally caught her and gently tackled her pinning her to the grass. I started to flick my wet hair at her, "MATT" she laughed and turned her head. I climbed on top of her and stared into her eyes. Man those sweet emeralds, I could get lost in those things. I just want to call her mine already.
~autumns pov~
I was getting serious butterflies right now. I like Matt a lot, I just want to call him mine already. I blushed and looked away from him. I looked back up at him and his perfection, the way the moon made his silouet stand out. I leaned in and he started to too. Soon our lips were inches apart and he closed the gap, instant sparks. Electricity coursed through my veins, he gave me this energy that I couldn't explain. Our lips moved in sync and I didn't want this moment to end.
"I don't want you to leave to be honest" Matt said giving my puppy dog eyes. I could stay with him but he shares a room with Nash. I mean none of the guys know me and Taylor broke up. Oh my god Taylor, he's probably worried sick. Its 1 in the morning. "I mean, I could stay with you" SHUT UP AUTUMN!! Matt smiled and pulled me into him room quietly. Nash was fast asleep, Matt walked to his suit case and handed me a t-shirt and a pair of his sweat pants. I went to his bathroom and changed, I smelled his clothes and they smelled just like him. I walked out the bathroom quietly and stood next to the bed. I wanted to sleep in the bed with Matt but I didn't want to feel weird. Matt came and wrapped his arms around me from behind. My stomach exploded with butterflies and I felt my cheeks get hot. "you tired yet" Matt whispered in my ear. His warm breath on my neck gave me chills and I couldn't find my words. I nodded and he let me go, he crawled in bed and that's when I noticed he was only wearing basketball pants. I examined is chest and then his abs. I slowly crawled in bed and layed down with my back facing Matt. "what about Nash if he wakes up before us" I said worried Nash will tell Taylor. Taylor's my best friend still and I still don't want to hurt him for anything. I rolled to face Matt And he was already asleep. I smiled and rolled over and drifted off to sleep.
~next morning~
I woke up and slowly opened my eyes and seen Matt run out the door. I quickly got up and ran after him, "Matt". He turned to look at me and his eyes were watery. "autumn go back to my room now, please" I didn't want to leave him like this, he seemed scared and upset."but Matt whats going on" I said getting more worried then before. He kissed me long, he pulled away and stared at me. "go to the room ill text you okay, don't come out of the room for anything" I nodded and ran back to the room. I shut and locked the door and walked out on the balcony and looked down. There were cop cars and ambulances and firefighters. My heart stopped when I seen jack and Taylor being put in the ambulances. I walked back into the room and sat on the bed. The sirens went away and I heard voices. The door opened and Nash walked in and came and hugged me. The door was locked what? Oh yeah he has a key. "Why was jack and Taylor put in the ambulance" I asked nash. He looked down, "im not suppose to tell you". I got up and paced the room. "Nash what the fuck happened while I was asleep" I yelled throwing my arms in the air. Tears welled up in my eyes and I stared at Nash waiting for an answer. "it started after you left with Matt for that date, Taylor came to Me crying and saying how he still loved you. I comforted him and then he went back to his room. I got tired and laid down. I woke up to banging on my door I looked at the time and it was 12 something. I opened the door and Taylor ran into the room on a man hunt looking for you. I told him you and Matt didn't come home yet but he wouldn't listen I followed him out the room and followed him to jacks room they left and didn't come home till just alittle bit ago, Taylor was shot in his leg and jack was all cut up. I don't know what happened while they were gone but that's all I know" by then I was in tears on the ground. Nash wrapped me in a hug and I just cried.

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