Chapter 1

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It was a matter of fact to say that Shinobu Kocho HATED heroes. They ruined her life. In this world she lived in the population of Japan had superpowers.

Her parents were pro heroes and her older sister Kanae was a hero in training but that didn't mean they were nice people. Sure, in public they were the nicest people you'll ever know, but in private they were just awful.

Her parents abused ,belittled, ignored and threatened Shinobu on a daily basis, all because she had a different mindset. Shinobu's superpower was poisonous insects, it allowed her to create any type of poison she wanted and use insects to her will.

It was because of her superpower and the terrible treatment that Shinobu thought process was severely different from a 'normal person'.

Shinobu thought about survival, strategy and how dangerous the situation at hand was at all times. She was not scared of her life being in danger as her parent left her to die multiple times before she was 10 and she was 12 now, so she knew how to survive on her own.

It was at the age of 14 that Shinobu had enough of everything and left.

2 months later she was declared missing but only her older sister Kanae showed any signs of sympathy and regret after all she watched her little sister get tortured day after day and she laughed at it.

She looked her baby sister in the eyes as Shinobu begged her to offer the slightest bit of help and she pushed her away saying that it wasn't a big deal.

Shinobu was 4 when Kanae first started verbally abusing her, telling her that she was a disgrace and that she didn't deserve to exist but no matter what Shinobu still had hope.

Shinobu POV

It has been 4 years since I became a villain and in 5 months it will be the anniversary of me being missing. Anyway I run a crime organisation in Wisteria forest called Poisoning hate and in that organisation are my adopted sisters and son and together we are known as butterflies and boar.

I do all sorts of crimes depending on the circumstances but I mostly attack heroes corporations namely 'The Hashira'. My villain name is pipevine swallowtail and I use this mask and my villain costume:

 My villain name is pipevine swallowtail and I use this mask and my villain costume:

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Now I've decided to do some more experimenting with my poison so unfortunately for civilians that means a excruciatingly painful death if they're lucky

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Now I've decided to do some more experimenting with my poison so unfortunately for civilians that means a excruciatingly painful death if they're lucky.

So I went into the city and found my victims. I had many different insects looking out for Pro heroes so I could get away in time.

Once I had finished watching the 6 year old cry in agony from the slow poison eating away at his weak immune system I left my signature initial P.V.S.T. Then the 3 Hashira arrived at my crime.

It was the flower, wind and water Hashira and when they saw my signature they immediately knew all victims were dead and were furious.

3rd person POV

"URG!!! That sneaky little insect got away and killed 3 whole families who supported our funds." Sanemi Explained/yelled to their master.

Kanae and Giyuu confirmed the case and all the Hashira were called for a meeting. Once everyone was there Kagaya spoke,

"My children, it seems that pipevine swallowtail has become just as much of a threat to Japan as Muzan and his empire, and she seems to be slowly taking down our support at every chance she has, we need to get her behind bars. Now does anyone have any questions or ideas about the situation presented?"

"I have an idea master." Answered Kanae.

Shinobu Kocho POV

I just got back home to see my villainous family, I may only be 18 but I've been taking care of them ever since I saw their living conditions 4 months after I went 'missing'.

It's late now so I put them all to sleep in their rooms and went to sleep myself. The next few days were spent with my family, making sure everyone was happy and healthy as well as being slightly chaotic and evil like teaching them how to use their power properly for our uses.

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