The Language of Flowers

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"Can I sit next to you? Is it busy here?" Ajax asked, looking into the stranger's golden eyes.

  As soon as he finished his shift in the store, the guy immediately went to rest in the nearest teahouse, which his friend advised him so much. The tea, according to her, there was unrealistically delicious, one might even say that it was divine, and the price did not bite at all. Although here Child could argue by buying a mug of fragrant ginger tea with lemon - a decent amount was deducted from the card. Whistling at the check, he wanted to retire to the back of the establishment, sit down and think about his own, until he stumbled upon a figure in a pleasant dark coffee suit. For some reason unknown to him, the man sitting and not touching anyone literally stole all the attention of the red-haired boy, closing his eyes to the fact that he was tired and fell down. Even the morning bruise did not bother him as much as this lonely figure. It bent over the book and did not pay any attention to anyone. Glasses on a chain were fixed on a thin nose, gleaming so subtly in the rays of the sun. Brown hair with red tips was neatly pulled back in a tail and rested on a straight back.

  Looking at himself from head to toe, the guy was amazed at the appearance of new calluses on his palms, and also a cut on his ring finger very close to his palm. He was not dressed as elegantly as this gentleman, but the guy did not count on more than to say hello to him. He had no doubts that he would be sent to hell, but was extremely surprised when the figure bowed its head after being asked a question.

  There was no limit to happiness, but then the stranger began to read again, hiding his golden eyes under the shadow of his eyelashes.

  Handsome, Ajax thought to himself, resting his head in his hands, as if he had descended from legends ...

"Today is such a wonderful day, don't you think?"  the guy began to drag the blanket over himself. "I just want to walk, sit in such establishments," he looked around the sofas, shelves, people, clogged and empty tables, plants swaying peacefully on the walls and floor, stretching their vines in all corners, creating a living corner. "What are you reading?" tilting his head, he tried to read at least a hieroglyph, or an English script.

"Flowers in a sea of evil," the man replied, folding the book and showing the cover. Child, by this time, was sitting all covered with goosebumps: he would never have thought that his voice would be so ... "Have you read it?"

  The question took the boy by surprise, but he quickly put his thoughts in order and smiled charmingly.

"I didn't read it, but I saw it on the shelves of one of the bookstores," to be honest, he saw this book when he was raking a new shipment of literature in the library. "You like?"

"Quite, - he nodded his head, covering the book. His hands were hidden under gloves, which made the image of a man more attractive, and the thought of pulling them off slowly, very gently running along the wrists to the palm of his hand, began to excite Tartaglia's fantasy, and he involuntarily shook his head to expel indecent thoughts from his head.

  But he just sat down to meet.

"Something happened?""No, nothing like that ... just ... My name is Tartaglia, but you can call me Ajax.""Zhong Li."

  They shook hands, and silence squatted next to them, dangling its legs, hung with ringing bells.

"Do you also like historical literature?" the brunette asked, frightening the uninvited guest and allowing her to leave."Not really, but if I'm intrigued by the plot, then I don't mind ... I love horror genre," - Ajax smiled charmingly. - To make it crawl to the very goosebumps.  The man nodded, not reacting in any way to the looks thrown by the redhead towards Zhong Li, and the poor guy realized that a real stone was sitting in front of him, very stingy with emotions. Squeezing a smile out of him is like moving a wall with your bare hands, Ajax thought to himself, pursing his lips. However, even so, the guy did not back down and he was pleased with the fact that this man agreed to talk to him at all.

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