Power, b******!

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A black cat stood on a pile of rubble, with many others surrounding him. The cat began to speak. "Tigerstorm, we shall attack Riverclan as you wish, but we will not attack anyone who has an important role in your clan unless you prove to us that you are worthy enough of our help."

"What must I do to prove myself worthy?" A dark brown tom asked from somewhere in the crowd. 

"Kill," the cat replied. "Kill? Kill who?" Tigerstorm asked.

"Kill all your close ones and kin," the cat answered.

"I would never kill my friends! And just what makes you think that I'll kill my sister!? She's the only family that I have left!" Tigerstorm cried out.

"If you kill your sister," the cat started. "Then we will kill your leader."

Tigerstorm stared at his paws. "What good comes out of killing my leader?" Tigerstorm questioned, raising his head up from his paws.

"Power, Tigerstorm. Power."

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