My...Princess? Yuu Kashima X Reader!

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GIRL ON GIRL DUN'T LIKE DUN'T READ...well...since Kashima looks like a wouldn't mind..right?....-mumbles- m'kay..))

"Kyaaa! Kashima-kun! Stop teasing me!" Said a girl

A short navy haired girl with green eyes with a school uniform was caressing girl and whispered to her.

"Nee? Don't you like it when I tease like this?" asked Kashima

"KAASSSHHHIMMMMAAAAAAA" said a high female voice.

Kasima turned around and saw a (h/c) girl in the same uniform as the two students running towards them. And that person turns out to be you. You jumped and grabbed the navy haired girl's neck with your elbow making your weight bringing her down to the floor, slamming her down in the process. The navy haired girl twitched on the ground while the girl Kashima was flirting with scurried off and screamed.


You then began dragging Kashima through the hallways. You sighed to yourself. You were Masayuki's little sister you maybe not be in the same grade as your older broher, but at least you can be in the same school as him. In this school you somehow earn the title as "The Tyrant Oni". You never really asked for that title, but people call you that because when someone ticks you off, your steps make craters in the floor, when you claw the walls with your hands, you leave horrifying scratch marks in the halls, when you are near a desk or the nearest heaviest object...lets just say that object was in the dumpster the next day.((Basically you are the female version of Shizuo Heiwajima that dun't need no man!)) Hard to believe that you are related to Hori right?

"Aiyah! Y/n-san, that elbow to the ground was twice as hard as last time!" whined the navy haired

You huffed and replied "Well if you didn't skip reherasal three times this month I would've just pulled your ear instead!"

The navy haired pouted at you and you looked at her. You couldn't help it, but to sigh. There are some points you want to strangle the girl when she ticks you off, but most of the time you just wanted to cuddle the girl since she makes you laugh at some points and tries her best to calm you down.

"Look, its not like I want to drag you to rehersal, Nii-san wants you to be in rehersal. We have three more weeks before the play, I hope you were memorizing your lines" you said

Kashima pondered a bit and asked "Does remembering half of the lines count?"

After another bonk on the head you two arrived at the auditorium. You saw Hori painting the backgrounds for the play. You called out to him and he turned and saw you and Kashima.

"Ah, y/n, you brought Kashima, thanks for that"

You nodded and Kashima dusted herself. Hori got some costumes out and lend them to the two of you. Kashima has a questioning look on her face and asked.

"Ok I memorized half of my lines, but...what character am I playing as again?"

Hori recevived an anger mark and said "If you payed attentioned more you would know" he sighed and cleared his throat "The play is called "Beauty and the Beast" and you're playing as the beast who transforms into a prince when the spell is broken by true love"

"And who is going to be my beauty?" asked the navy haired girl as she flipped her hair

Hori pointed at you and you had your arms crossed at Kashima waiting for a response. Kashima blinked once then twice until she realized.

"Y/N IS THE PRINCESS?!" cried Kashima

"That was established last month if you attended that meeting" said Hori

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