0.5- the before

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a/n- thank you for reading my little story :,) just some notes for the chapter! for the sake of the story, i'll be considering I-Land to be filmed and aired within the same week, so everything that is filmed in a week is aired on fridays, the usual airing day. i know this might not be accurate but I could not find the filming period of the show, and it's just so everything flows well! also there is not an emphasis on i-land overall in the story which is why i didn't go more in depth abt ni-ki on i-land. that's all, thank you for reading !!

▶︎ 0:55 ━──●───────3:30 ♫

Currently Playing- Televised by HUNNY

Rain patters against the window, droplets racing down the clear glass and reaching their end upon the window sill, now overflowing with water. [Name] sighs, head leaning against the window, watching the dewdrops collect, wishing to be outside in the bleak April weather. Despite it's gloomy appearance, the weather outside was warm- Spring weather in Japan always had that odd affect. In his mind, he silently wishes that his mother would have let him skip the first day of school, as he had requested that morning. 

"You're far too young to be burnt out already." She had responded to the question when [Name] had asked. 

So instead of being outside, playing in the puddles and hunting down squirming earthworms, [Name] was inside on his first day of Grade 1. Despite being only 6 years old, [Name] was indeed a bright thinker, and much to his mother's despair, was smart enough to oppose the notion of 'first days of school'. He apparently sought 'no use' in them and found the over accentuation of first days to be 'unnecessary'. His mother had sighed. As much as she appreciated having a child of such bright intelligence, it was times like these in which she wished her adolescent could be bribed with a toy train or car rather than the promise of researching the scientific names of the various bugs that collect on their front porch upon his return home. 

Ultimately, [Name] had given in. In all honesty, he knew that he would most likely be forced to go to school despite his protests, and took the opportunity to get his mother to promise to agree to his favorite activity. She would have done it anyways, though, [Name] thinks to himself, watching as student after student filters into the classroom. 

The overhead speaker sings out a melodic, three note tune, indicating that the school day has begun. Students settle in their seats as the teacher scolds them, slowly making her way up to the front of the classroom. No one had taken a seat next to [Name], which didn't surprise him. Whilst the others might know each other from their neighborhoods, [Name] was new, and (surprise, surprise), not the brightest at making friends. 

The last student, a girl with pigtails and chubby face, takes her seat as the teacher finally settles in the front. 

The teacher was older, most likely in her mid 50s. She had a sharp nose paired with high cheekbones, and demanding brown eyes that sent a shiver down [Name]'s back. She wore a simple black pencil skirt with a formal white shirt tucked in, no jewelry and no makeup. She donned a sleek high bun that almost gave her a face lift of sorts, which [Name] silently laughs at. 

"Hello students, and welcome to Okayama Elementary. I will be your teacher for the school year, Mrs.-"

The unnamed teacher is promptly interrupted as a whirlwind of a young boy bursts through the doors, stopping and regaining his balance from running in. The classroom stands still as they watch the lone boy's cheeks grow red as he turns to face the teacher. 

August, Honey ⇢ Ni-ki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now