1- leaving

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▶︎ 0:10 ━●───────── 3:30 ♫

Now Playing- West Coast by Coconut Records

very slight tw- mention of diet/ weight

[Name] freezes upon seeing Riki stand on the other side of the door. Did he say something? [Name] hadn't comprehended it if he had, all too focused on staring at the boy.

[Name]'s confusion rang through him like church bells, inner thoughts stirring and churning as he tries to comprehend why and how Riki would be here. Neither Maikey or Riki had said anything to him recently that even hinted at his return home. He hadn't anticipated his arrival to come for weeks, if it were to come at all- a small, hidden part of him believed that maybe Riki would stay in Korea without ever coming back to say goodbye, never looking back.

Had he gotten taller? Since when were his ears pierced? Was that sweater new? Why did he look so good? Questions swirl like ingredients in a mixing pot, turning [Name]'s brain into a big, useless mush and rendering him thoughtless.

Riki simply continues smiling at his friend, leaning down a bit to meet him in the eyes. He looks closely at his friend, tilting his head to the side a bit before flicking him on the forehead.

"Ouch!" [Name] whines, immediately lifting a hand to soothe the spot that Riki had oh, so rudely assaulted before snapping out of his daze.

His mind slowly reorganizes it's thoughts, piecing together the situation until the full image is in front of him. A large beam sneaks it's way onto his face, him looking up at the taller boy now. It really is Riki. His grin becomes comically large, happiness swelling in every corner of his body.

He launches himself at Riki, wrapping his arms around his neck and capturing him in a hug. Riki laughs and hugs him back, the two rocking back and forth as they regain their balance. Riki pats [Name] on the back, hugging him securely. [Name] secretly inhales Riki's new scent, which smells of lavender and.. baby wipes?

[Name] breaks off the hug, turning to the side of the door to let his friend inside.

"You're actually alive!" [Name] says with a joking grin once Riki is inside, watching his friend as he sets his bag down on the ground. Riki laughs in response, walking over to the kitchen table and sitting down on one of the wooden chairs.

"Yeah, barely. I've had to sign so many contracts in the past few days, I thought I was going to go insane. I've probably signed off the rights to my first born at this point." [Name] laughs in response, moving to sit in the chair next to Riki. Despite Riki having been gone for 4 months, he still felt at home in [Name]'s apartment, bringing one foot up onto the chair and leaning his head against it. Riki looks up to meet [Name]'s eyes and inhales, indicating that whatever he was about to say next was either important or hard to say.

"I saw your texts." He says with a half smile.

[Name]'s heart immediately drops as he groans, running his hands down his face in pure and utter embarrassment. Riki laughs, already amused. "I didn't know that you didn't have your phone until, like, July," [Name] explains, hands still covering his face, effectively muffling his voice. "and at that point, I had already texted you so much that I just.. kept going."

Riki swats at [Name]'s leg to tease him, a huge, boastful smile on his face. "So you did miss me then?" He says in a fake sweet voice.

[Name] drops his hands, looking straight into Riki's eyes. "No. Not at all." He deadpans. He's only able to keep a straight face for a moment before cracking, both boys laughing. The two take a moment to catch their breath, cherishing the moment after having been separated for so long.

August, Honey ⇢ Ni-ki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now