7 | art project

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Jinsoul found herself sitting inside a cafe, her hands cupping her face in boredom.

The long-haired girl sighed loudly when her phone rang once again. She stared at the caller i.d and it was her father. Jinsoul only stared at her phone as she plugged her earphones on. She was so excited walking on her way to the cafe because she'll get to see Jungeun again.

Jinsoul shrugged her shoulders. Well, at least the music playing calms her down.

Don't you give me up

Please don't give up~

Honey, I belong with you and only you,

And then, Jinsoul felt a hand tap her shoulder. She looked behind her to take a glance at the person,

Only you, my girl, only you, babe~

Kim Jungeun.

Jinsoul stared at the girl, feeling like her world would collapse. She can feel her hands trembling, nervous at the girl's appearance.

Jinsoul opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She is speechless at how beautiful the girl is.

She took her earphones off and stood up to greet Jungeun.

"Good morning, Jungeun" She smiled widely, secretly wiping her wet palms on her pants.

"Good morning to you, too, Jinsoul" The blonde-haired girl gave Jinsoul the sweetest smile, and Jinsoul swears, she almost passed out.

"I ordered for us already, the food will be here in a minute," Jinsoul said, still not taking her eyes off Jungeun. The blonde-haired girl is wearing a hoodie, and Jinsoul thought Jungeun looked cute with her specs.

"Oh, It's just right that I didn't eat" Jungeun chuckled. "Since the food isn't here yet, would you want to talk first?"

"Sure," Jinsoul smiled. "Actually, I've been struggling with math subject" Jinsoul took out a notebook from her bag. It's like she's prepared for the topic.

"You have that subject in arts?" Jungeun confusedly asked.

Jinsoul flinched at the sudden question. Right, that's so dumb of her.

"U-uh-- yes! Nowadays, art students have m-math subject to--" Jinsoul paused, not knowing what to say next.

Jungeun tilted her head, waiting for the long-haired girl to finish her sentence. Jinsoul couldn't keep eye contact between her and Jungeun, and now, she's getting distracted by how cute Jungeun is with her specs.

"To?" Jungeun smiled.

Oh, God. I'm gonna pass out. Jinsoul thought.

"T-to analyze a-artworks... Y-yes" Jinsoul looked away.

"Okay" Jungeun smiled widely. She took the notebook carefully from Jinsoul as she scanned the problems.

On the other hand, Jinsoul is just admiring Jungeun's every beautiful feature.

Jinsoul is down bad for her crush.


"so A plus X is equal to what?" Jungeun asked and looked at Jinsoul who was staring at her with her hands cupping her face.

The food was served... They finished eating, and still, Jinsoul won't get what Jungeun is teaching her.

They don't even have math subject, to be honest.

"You're so pretty when you're focused" Jinsoul just kept staring at Jungeun-- or should I say admiring. She can't multitask... So she couldn't understand what the blonde is talking about.

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