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chapter two




A warm feeling builds up inside of me at the thought of seeing them all again--Mrs Hayes, Mr Hayes, Dayton, Keegan and Arc-

never mind.

The thought of him being back makes that warm feeling go absolutely freezing instantly.

Archie Hayes was something else entirely, and I don't mean that in a good way. To be honest I don't even know how he is even related to the Hayes family. They are all so kind and careless whilst he's just--not.

I gasp softly.

what if he's adopted? Honestly I wouldn't put it past them-

shut up june.

Archie Hayes was someone that I could never even force myself to like if I tried. My hatred for him started off at the age of only 5 whilst he was 7. 

It started when I had brought my bestfriend, Carrie, at the time over to my house for a playdate and somehow when we arrived at my house he was there. Though I didn't question it. But, all I know is that when I came back with drinks, Archie was in my room whispering something in Carrie's ear. And then when he left my room with that stupid fucking smirk on his face, Carrie didn't even look at me nor ever talk to me again. She even got her mum to pick her up early.

she was my first friend.

But no, it didn't just stop there. He made sure to make my life a living hell after that. Always pulling stupid pranks on me with his stupid friends or if it wasn't that it was just making fun of my appearance in general.

The little things like that my outfit looked weird or that he thought my hairstyle was ugly.

It had got to a point where I had to fight back otherwise I would always be known as an easy target. So when I did start to say fire stuff back at him or pull pranks.

We became 'enemies' as you could say.

Right now, I was at home. After getting an immediate call from my mum telling me to be home instantly. Coincidentally, it was just after the girl has told me the Hayes has returned.

I was sat in my kitchen, the only room with a working fan and my god I needed that right now. I adored summer but the heat was something I couldn't handle. You'd think after living in Hawaii for so long, I would be use to the weather. And I can tell you that I am in fact not.

Suddenly, my mum basically skips into the kitchen with an excited grin stretched out on her face. Her predominantly brown complexion was glowing as she let the happiness on her face take over. Her brown eyes held warmth and I watched as she danced around the kitchen, picking up my empty bowl from in front of me. My mother was filipino, born and raised in Hawaii. She was a beautiful woman, but I had to admit that when she shouted, I think I about shit myself everytime.

"Why are you smiling like that?" I narrow my eyes at her suspiciously whilst taking a sip of my strawberry smoothie.

She pauses and looks up at me, "Can't your mother just be happy?" She raises an accusing eyebrow, though the smile did not stay off her face.

I nod, "Hm, of course. But, there is a reason for your happiness today. I can feel it." I mildly declare.

"Okay you've caught me," She admits, "I've invited the Hayes over for dinner. June I'm so excited to see them again." I watch the way her eyes light up.

I suddenly start to choke on my smoothie, patting my chest harshly.

she invited who now?

I try to muster up the words to talk after I realise that I don't speak for a little while.

Don't get me wrong, I was thrilled about seeing most of them again. There was just one, always just one.

His stupid cockiness, stupid pranks and stupid good looks, and stupid smil-

stop. he doesn't deserve that much thought. it would be too much for his ego.

"June." My mum's voice cuts through my thoughts.

I tilt my head and look up, "Hm?"

"You didn't say anything about them all coming over. Are you not excited?" Doubt settles into her features.

I shake my head quickly, "No mum, I'm really excited." I assure, wrapping my arms around her in an hopefully assuring hug.

She relaxes into the hug, "Okay good. I was worried because of your relationship with Archie." She signs into my shoulder.

I nearly punch myself at the mention of his name.

My mother continues, "I really hope you'll try to get along with the boy this time--for me?" She adds, glancing up at me hopefully.

I groan internally, releasing from the hug.

I was about to refuse but the look I catch on my mum's face makes me say something I was already regretting the second it comes out my mouth.

"Fine." I mumble so quietly that people could mistake it for a whisper.

She raises an eyebrow, "Sorry what was that? I couldn't hear you." My mum teases, forcing me to speak louder.

I clear my throat, "Fine. I will try to get along with Archie." I basically spit out whilst glaring at my mother. I continue, "But mum, I swear to god if he says one thin-"

"Yes okay, great! So proud of you dear." She cuts me off, clapping excitedly whilst making her way to the doorway. 

But, just as she's about to leave I hear her add, "Please clean yourself up for the occasion June!"

I glance down at my outfit with furrowed eyebrows.

i thought i looked okay with my creme coloured top and denim shorts.



the next chapter is the dinner. who is excited to be introduced to the Hayes family we've already heard so much about ;)

love you all and thank you so much for all the support on this book already. i am truly baffled.

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