Chapter 23 - Time for an Adventure!

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(I only chose this song because it's under water haha)


After the eventful night we'd all had, we were all gathered round our kitchen table sat in a comfortable silence. Apart from the Nether trip we took a while back, we hadn't been on an exploration/adventure in a while. We all began to plan our next trip "What shall we go in search for, a biome or a structure?" I pondered whilst the four hummed in thought, "I say a structure" Techno spoke first. "Yeah but what like?" George replied to Techno, "Well like an igloo or a desert temple" Dream spoke, "Or an ocean monument, I've always wanted to explore one of them!" Sapnap wriggled excitedly in his seat at the table.

"Okay, looks like we're finding a structure tomorrow then" I smiled and giggled, mostly at Sapnap's excitement but also my excitement to finally get out and explore the world. 

Whilst the four were chatting about our upcoming adventure, I snuck off to the kitchen to get some snacks for the guys and myself. I quickly cooked up a big bowl of chips for us all (or fries if you're not from the UK hehe). 

I later returned to the table with the guys barely noticing I'd left as they were still talking amongst themselves "eat up everyone, can't go to bed on an empty stomach" I smiled as I placed the big bowl of chips (fries) down on the table. Everyone fell silent as they all laid their eyes on the food...

---------- THE NEXT MORNING ----------


I woke up warm and snuggly in Techno's arms. He was still asleep but cuddling me as he always does: his head buried into the back of my neck, his breathe tickling my skin, one arm under my neck and the other snaked round my waist - holding me close to him for protection from the unforgiving outside. 

I cherish the sweet moments such as these because I never know if this moment will be my last with him or not. Everyday is so unpredictable...

After 15 minutes of laying in bed, just thinking, I finally gently stirred Techno until he woke up "Good morning" I whispered, "morning my love" he replied softly, I felt my cheeks heat up.

"We need to get up and have breakfast, we've got a long day ahead of us" I said pulling the covers off myself and getting out of bed to get showered and changed. 

Shortly after Techno and I were ready to head downstairs. Making our way down the stairs I saw Dream, Sapnap and George already eating breakfast around the table "Morning you two" Sapnap said with a grin on his face, I slightly nodded my head as a silent greeting as I made my way straight into the kitchen. Techno had stayed back to chat to everyone whilst I got us both a bowl of cereal each. 

"So make sure everyone is geared up in 20 minutes and we'll plan to meet outside the house so we can set off sharp." Techno formatted our plan whilst we all made a mental note of things we'd need to bring to be prepared.

"George, could you quickly brew up some water breathing potions, just in case we do run into an ocean monument we will want to be prepared." Dream said, causing Techno to nod his head in agreement. 

---------- TIME SKIP ----------

Around 25 minutes later, I flew down the stairs with my full armour on and my sword, compass, map, tools and a small food bag tied to my belt. I bolted out the front door to see the four stood outside waiting "Take your time Y/N" Dream giggled, "Sorry, I couldn't find my compass" I replied breathlessly.

"Oh Y/N, take these. They're two water breathing potions" George said as he rummaged around in his bag and handed me two glass vials. "Wow thanks George!" I replied, strapping them to my already overcrowded belt. 

Is This A Simulation? [DreamTeam x Reader x Technoblade]Where stories live. Discover now