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Brittany's Pov

I woke up at 7:00 am today earlier then usual. I woke up early today because it was my 17th birthday and I was soo excited. I went to the bathroom and did my morning routines. Then I rushed downstairs to go and eat breakfast and watch tele.

I put my breakfast and turned on the tv I put the volume loud because I wanted everybody to wake up, (i always do that when it's my birthday I guess it's my thing now) I was scanning through the channels and then I came up to a commercial and it was talking about a new dance studio in Toronto at 5th Avenue, i was excited because I live in Toronto and 5th Avenue is just 8 minutes away from where I live.
(I don't actually think 5th Avenue is in Toronto, this is made up)
I started to jump up and down, and before I knew it mum was just staring at me and looking so surprise of why I'm happy, so I told her about the new dance studio in 5th Avenue and how I wanted to join and that they were holding auditions today for anyone interested, mom also was happy too because she knows how much i love to dance, and it was my dream to dance in a studio again after such a long time. So she decided to take me there.

When it was about 8:30 mum decided to wake the rest of the family up so we could get ready for my birthday, when everybody was awake mom told them that I wanted to join a dance studio in 5th Avenue and that she was going to take me their for my auditions after my birthday surprises.

At 3:30 pm we were all ready to go to my grandparents house that's where we are having my party. We reached our destination we got organized decorated the place with balloons and ribbons,then the guests started coming my aunties, cousins, uncles and my best friends Logan and Alexandra, My party was soo awesome and I am glad that me and my bffs reunited after such a long time. At 4:20 pm my party was finished and then I started opening my presents. My bffs stayed behind because they also have heard about the dance studio and they wanted to join as well.

I got lots of presents for my birthday and I was happy, at 4:30 pm My bffs and I were ready to go to the auditions, but because I didn't have any dance clothes mum decided to go to the shops first and find me some and a dance bag, we finished shopping and then we headed to the auditions, Logan, Alexandra and I were very nervouse when we got there, other teenagers were already there and I could tell that they were nervouse too, we started the auditions at 4:50 pm because we were playing games of getting to know each other, There was this girl at the auditions and she looked so mean her name was Victoria she came up to us and started being so mean.

" What are u guys doing here" Victoria asked rudely
"Umm we are all here to audition" replied Logan
"Good luck with that, because you guys don't look like your going to get in" Victoria sneerd
"How do you know we are not going to get in" I asked confused
"Your not going to get in because your not good dancers" she replied
"You haven't even seen us dance,so how do you know we're not good dancers" I replied back

Victoria walked off all mad, I didn't care because she was being so rude and mean to us so I'm glad that she walked off. About seven minutes later it was time for the auditions to start and I was very nervouse. I was called up first to audition, and I think I did pretty well. After me it was Logan and then Alexandra we were all very nervouse but we know that we did our best. After other people auditioning there was one person left to audition and his name was Trevor, he is so hot plus his a very funny guy i think i had a crush on him even though i only met him today but he was soo hot , he finished his auditons which in my opinion he did very good. When the auditions were over the studio manager Ms Jennie and the choreographer Zac started talking to us.

"Okay so first of all" said ms Jennie happily, "I want to thank you all for coming here today "
"We really appreciate it. And now we are going to decide who will make the team so please give us some minutes to discuss this and we will put the clipboard over there on that wall so you can all see who made the team" said Zac happily too.

After 5 minutes Ms Jennie and Zac came back, Zac put the clipboard where he had said he will and everybody rushed to go see it.

"Omg I dont believe i made the team" i shouted, I'm so proud of my self!!
"O gosh I don't believe it I made the team!" screamed Logan
"Omg so did I! we all made the team how great is that" Alexandra said jumping up and down.

I then started looking for anybody else who made the team and i could see that Trevor and Victoria made the team I was happy for Victoria that she made the team but 2x happy for Trevor, i went over to hug Victoria and to tell her congrats and then I went to Trevor and told him congrats, they both said thanks,and congratulated me and my bffs. Victoria then came up to us and apologized we accepted her apology.

"Can everybody who didn't make the team please leave and head to b-troupe thank you" said Zac

All the people that didn't make the team started heading to studio b and some were even crying I mean if I didn't make it to A-troupe then yes I would be crying too, but I'm glad I did.

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