001 | she loves you like you're her kid

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isabelle sat in her bedroom messaging her best friend, who she's known since she was born.

sydnie - syd 🍒
isabelle - taco bell 🌮🔔

syd 🍒
are you still coming
to quarantine with us

taco bell 🌮🔔
if your mom is still
okay with that

syd 🍒
you know she is

syd 🍒
she loves you like you're her kid

taco bell 🌮🔔
then yea i will

taco bell 🌮🔔
i'm packing my bags and
i'll be over soon

isabelle put her bags in her car and head over to the stanford/avery house, she gets to the house and walks in like it's her own as she always does that. she hears isla running over to her and pulls her into a hug "belle i missed you" isabelle hugs isla back and says how she missed her too, belle hugs ava and their mom.

sydnie pulls isabelle upstairs to her room, they walk in and isabelle sees jack on her bed. jack grabs isabelle's waist pulling her to him, he kisses her lips and she kisses back then realizes sydnie was there.

she pulls away and looks at sydnie since no one knew except for one person "i already know" sydnie says. isabelle turn to face her "you're not mad?" she asks "no you guys are cute together i've always shipped y'all" "thank goodness" she says hugging sydnie "at least we don't have to hide it from you" she says laying on sydnie's bed with her head in jacks lap.

"ok get out" she says to jack pulling him up "i want to see my girlfriend" he says "you can have her tonight when everyone is sleeping" she says pushing him out of her room and locking the door, sydnie sits on the bed with isabelle and turns on their favourite show which is the 100.

"hey everyone went to bed you can go see jack, i'll message you if i hear anyone wake up" sydnie says "thank you i love you so much" isabelle says kissing sydnie's cheek, isabelle gets up and goes to jacks room.

she goes behind him and hug him while he plays his game, jack had his mic and camera turned off just in case if isabelle walked in. he turned to face isabelle kiss her on the lips then turns back to his games, moving his chair out "come here" he says grabbing her waist with one hand.

isabelle kisses his check going to his lips, he kisses her back then pulls away to play his game. isabelle plays on her phone while he plays his game "babe can we cuddle"she asks he turns his mic on "hey i'm gonna get off" he says turning the game off and his mic.

he picks her up and walks over to his bed dropping her down on it and lays on top of her with his head on her chest, they both lay like that and start falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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