super crazy happy fun time in Japan

986 11 10

Owen: ah! i'm too young to die!

Noah: stop sweating lunchbox. Air travel is like 15th safest mode of transportation, unless you're in a death trap

After saying this, a hole suddenly tears open on the side of the total drama jumbo jet

Noah: this one for example!

Leshawna: this is not the way Leshawna is leaving this world

Leshawna is nearly sucked out of the plane, until Alejandro saves her

Alejandro: such beauty will not fall out of giant airplane holes on my watch

Owen then plugged the hole

Harold: I could've done that. I just prefer to keep the ladies wanting more

she wants more, alright. More Alejandro

Harold: DJ you know nothing about women

Leshawna: you can put me down now. I mean, if you wanted. Or not. Your choice because this is nice

DJ: mm nothing

Owen: not that this isn't fascinating and all but help! help! my butt is being sucked out of a plane!

Chris intercom: this is your captain speaking, it's time for everyone to join me in the common area and I mean, everyone!


Chris: welcome to today's challenge. It's-

(y/n): is it a reward or elimination challenge?

Chris: good question, (y/n). And like i'm gonna tell ya!

Tyler: two of us got booted out last time so today has reward written all over it

Lindsay: I could use a reward. I hope it's candy or a whole bunch of shoes or shoes made of candy

Chris: I hope you all brought your giant radioactive monster repellent cause we're about to go to Japan!

chef burst through the doors in an orange jumpsuit, holding a Katana in his teeth

Harold: gosh, you guys. That's totally a Chinese outfit

Chris: thank you, Harold. Now remember anyone who doesn't sing-

Harold: I mean, I just really thought you'd work harder to get it right

Chris: Harold! anyone who doesn't sing is immediately disqualified

Harold: your cultural insensitivity is just, gosh!

Chris gave chef a look and smirked. Chef sliced the door off of it's hinges. We all then got sucked out of the plane and while we were falling we heard a bell ding

(y/n): are you kidding me?!

Noah: seriously? I mean, seriously!

Chris: sing and I might think about saving your musical butts! maybe you'll try harder next time!

Courtney: we're singing as we're falling!

Heather: while some are cannon balling!

Izzy: yeah!

Alejandro: our lives begin to flash before our eyes!

Owen & Noah: we might just go ka-blooey!

(y/n) & Tyler: get smushed and become chewy!

everyone: except there's tons we wanna do before we die!

Leshawna: Billionairess!

Cody: Billiards champion!

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