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Aliyah Forschner

September 13, 2014

May God Let Her Soul Rest In Peace

Lizkie, is that you? I ask as feel a very cold breeze passed me by and a familiar rustling noise was around me while I stood up Lizkie's Grave. Then a cute dog come out on the bushes, I know this kind of breed. Its German... something. I forgot. I really don't pay attention to animals but this dog is just cute.

Where is your owner little doggy? I ask it in a very cute voice. It just smiled and keep wagging its tail. It suddenly jerked its head looking at Lizkies grave, stepping its engraved marble. I don't know but I keep staring at Aliyah's face. I had this gut feeling that something didnt add up.

.... Who did this to you Aliyah? Who?


Chief, I caught five drunk drivers in the Carren Boulevard near a Club. I saw them fighting in the middle of the road

Very good, PO3 Cruz. Thats the 9th group of thieves you caught today. Chief Alvin said with an impressed tone in his voice

No problem chief i salute to our chief. He saluted back at me. Just when I was about to leave the room. PO2 Raider ran across the hallways, straight through the office

PO2 Raider, whats with the running? our chief asked with a very curious tone in his voice

Chief, theres a new murder in town. They were sure that the murderer was still inside the house. PO2 Raider he was sweating and trembling and his face was quite familiar to me. It was full of care just like what she gave when Aliyah was still in town

Where? Our chief stood up. And was about to go out in the office. He got his cap on with his badges.

Damelton St., Acrue Apartment, 3rd Floor, Room 5. I quickly revolted

Thats where Mr and Mrs Forschners Apartment i say outloud

They got out safely Cruz, Aliyah was left in the apartment thats impossible

Aliyah is in Germany i said

No, her parents confirmed that Aliyah was in the apartment i couldnt believe it. It was my birthday next weekend, wait. Is she planning a surprise party for me? That explains the bathroom excuse she uses everytime I ask if she forgot any of our friends birthday (Which I always refer to myself for her)

Come on chaps, we gotta go!! Time is gold we hitch his horsey and we ran


Cruz!!! Someone shout my name and as I turn my head I was completely covered by the needing hugs from Mom Josephine and Dad Donald.

Mom, Dad, is it true? I asked them. They nodded

Actually, she was about to fetch you in your office when *sniff the incedent happen then she continued to mourn and mourn. Dad Donald tried to keep her calm.

Do you know who the murderer is? I ask PO2 Raider. They shook their heads

Negative. He always throw us with huge bombs coming from their room up there. He was pointing at the only window with no curtains and a guy with something on his face

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