Chapter 5: Flash Back

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The green man dragged his feet away but, I heard him say, "I'll come back for your brraaaaiiiinnnsss." I was screaming mentally. Did he really want my brains? Was he a real, live zombie? Why did he suddenly...snap out of it? Then back in? What was his problem?? I would have to look into it later knowing my dad would tell me to go to bed.

"Jazmin, go rest some. I'll be in their after a while. I know I'll be hard but, I do what you getting rest. I'll do what I can about the..situation. You can read or be on your phone until i get there ok?" Sure enough my dad told me to go to bed. Sigh. At least he let be on my phone!

I sleepily dragged my self to my bed and flopped my self onto my bed, rolling onto my stomach. I couldn't sleep but, I was dead tired. I would not let my self sleep until dad got back anyway. I reached over to my night stand and grabbed the single frame, standing there. I stared at it. It was my mom. She was so beautiful. I remember I would kneel down by bed and pray with her every night when I was little. She would ask me what I would pray for. And I would tell her and she would hold my little hands, close her eyes and pray for all those things and I would repeat after her.

I blew the dust off the frame and closed my eyes trying to remember everything about her. But, suddenly I remember running after the ambulance, pictures flashing in my head of her pale face, her voice echoing in my head, "Take care of your daddy! Smile for him! Never forget God loves you..." Her voice starts to drag, "Never forget I love you..." Her last breath. Wasted on me. Telling me how much she loved me. I already knew.

But, secretly in my head I knew I needed to hear those words, that they weren't a waste of breath, that they were filled with her love.

I opened my eyes. It was light. The frame was back on it's bedside table and my blankets were on top of me. It was morning already? I missed dad! Hopefully, everything was okay! I yanked the covers off, ran to the kitchen grabbed a muffin sitting on the counter and then brushed my teeth afterwards. My dad always had a breakfast for me in the morning. He never got to see me in the morning because he was looking for a better job then the one he had. I was old enough to stay home by myself so I would, stay in the basement and experiment, go for a jog, and I would also clean the house. I loved to experiment with plants. Jogging was because I wanted to stay in shape and be prepared for anything.

Sometimes, I would buy canned food, if I wasn't doing anything else and I had enough money, so we have food in case of anything drastic happening. We had over 500 cans now in the second pantry. I also cleaned the house so dad would come how to a clean house, relax, and have more sleep before going to his nighttime shift at a supermarket. Sure it gave us lots of money but, he never got much sleep.

I worked at a little antiques shop with an elderly lady named, Ms. Morris. She was so sweet! She would drop the prices on so many things, so little kids would be able to afford them, when I wasn't looking. I told her not to do that, the kids needed to learn how to earn money to buy things. The sweet lady did forget that and she would do it anyway.

I went down to the basement, 'my lab', and put on a lab coat, goggles, and gloves. Grabbing a few plants from behind the curtains, I set them on the table. I examined them, trying to see what I could do with it. Just then I heard a slam upstairs. Looking at my watch I saw it was only 12:00. My dad was back early! I quickly walked up the stairs. There was dad.

"Jazmin, okay hey. Sorry the police evacuated everybody from the coffee shop, where I was interviewing with a man. They said it was because a comet or some thing was heading straight for that part of town." My dad said. He looked kind of scared.

"Oh. Okay. Sure. Umm. I was in the lab when you came home! I was surprised that you were home so early!" I said.

"Mmhmm. Yah. Well, they said that it might spread so everyone was supposed to go somewhere safe. So we are heading downstairs to your lab." My dad sounded slightly worried that might but, he was trying to hide it.

*I had a really hard time getting this picture on here! Uh. Anyhow, that is Jazmin's mom! Yah..well, I tried my best! So, enjoy the story! I hope you like it!*

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